Sat Oct 18, 2008 2:17 pm
Sat Oct 18, 2008 2:54 pm
Sat Oct 18, 2008 2:57 pm
Sat Oct 18, 2008 3:07 pm
Sat Oct 18, 2008 4:18 pm
Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:33 am
I can see how in the past religion was necessary to get people through their day-to-day lives. When you don't understand scientifically what makes thunder, lightening, earthquakes, etc, it's a great way to explain away these things. When you as a leader need your country to expand over into another area, it's really convenient to be able to say that it's for this great all-powerful being that created everything around you. To say that it's this being's will that your nation have all these things makes it seem alright, even makes you feel entitled to it, and it makes the army fight harder. I see how it's important there, too.pav wrote:But, I'm far from being anti-religion. The thing is most people see either only the good stuff religions did, or only the bad.
I'm mostly able to see both, I think.
Sun Oct 19, 2008 2:22 am
Sun Oct 19, 2008 5:38 am
boinsie wrote:And... on the other bit of what you said... as has been brought up several times on this board, and as I try to stay away from mentioning because it causes all kinds of animosity, I'm incredibly anti-religion. The very fact that a comment like that, even if it WERE from some specific verse in The Bible, should hold any bearing on the election is absolutely ridiculous to me. The fact that only a God-loving man can even be considered for presidency in this country makes me ill.
Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:19 am
Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:24 am