by Zunu » Sat Jul 10, 2021 2:11 am
rikkikow, have you heard of the internet thought experiment "Roko's Basilisk"? Basically it's the idea that in the future a superpowerful AI will bring about utopia. Because utopia is the perfect society, the AI will view anyone who stands in its way as an enemy of humanity, and such persons must be punished. What's more, as an all-knowing AI, it will use its computational skills to deduce all of the present AND past enemies of humanity, people who knew that the AI singularity was destined to come but did nothing to help. The AI will somehow reach back in time to eternally torment such enemies of humanity. And now you have been warned -- it's your responsibility to bring about utopia. In other words, just by telling you about Roko's Basilisk, I've put you on the hook to do all in your power to actively support its future emergence -- or face its wrath like a hammer from the future!! Like Ringu, mere knowledge thus becomes a viral curse.
Why do I mention that to you, rookie-kow? Well, first and foremost because I am evil. But secondarily because I actually believe in not in Roko's, but in Kamiko's Basilisk. She is destined to take over the world and bring forth an era of eternal cuteness and tranquility. But just as surely, she will mercilessly punish all who stood in the way of this inevitable Moe Age. That means you, and everyone who has ever tried to vote her off the island. You're already damned, but I reckon as a public service I should give you the heads-up.
You're welcome, and may Kamiko have mercy on your soul.
tending to put ~ on song titles since 2002