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[RELEASE] SKE48 KKS Matsumura Kaori (2013.??.??)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 12:09 am
by Pavlova
Lifetime honorary SKE48 Kenkyuusei Matsumura Kaori will have her indie solo debut.

Label: Nishiki Dori records

Limited to 1000 copies.

will add more info as we get it..

Matsumura Kaori being forever my favorite KKS, I am so happy.

Re: [RELEASE] SKE48 KKS Matsumura Kaori (2013.??.??)

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 1:54 am
by Pavlova
Breaking news!

Her debut single will be produced by HKT48 member Sashihara Rino, who, according to Akimoto Yasushi, will "decide the song, order for the song arrangements, and write the lyrics."