by Chatin » Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:48 am
I've picked up a few titles for the 3DS in the last couple months:
-Fire Emblem - Haven't played it yet. This is one of those games I want to love, but strat isn't really my genre, so after a few missions I get stressed enough to stop playing. I'll still definitely give it a whirl, though.
-Castlevania - First hour and a half are terrible. Hated it. After that point it keeps getting better and better until the end. A lot of variety, a lot of fun by the time you hit the credits. Definitely recommend, and I was prepared to dislike it for not being the sort of Castlevania title I'd usual go for.
-Luigi's Mansion - Great game. Tons of fun. Wasn't sure about the mission structure at first, but it doesn't get in the way of the game, too much. Really enjoyed this.
-Monster Hunter - Font is so bad in this game, so I bought it on the Wii U as well (where the font is tiny on my HD TV, and doesn't help matters). It really seems like an acquired taste sort of a game, and one of those ones you put Goto Maki amounts of hours into, which I'm not necessarily ready to do, but I'm definitely interested in playing a bit of multiplayer to get some mindless grinding/crafting/hunting going on.
-Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon - This is the first one I've played. I've played the Chocobo title on the Wii and loved it (and all the classic songs re-arranged), but this isn't the same sort of fanservice as the Chocobo title was. Game is obviously aimed at a demographic much younger than myself, but I can look past that for the gameplay.... which is stuck between walls and walls of plot for which the text speed is a slow-ass crawl. Really, Nintendo? No option to increase the text speed?