by Bakajo Nono » Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:26 pm
I have like four different places where I talk about Glee, and I talk about something different each place, but here goes since erilaz kind of brought it up xD
Glee has some of the most awesome dialogue ever sometimes and it can be really hilarious.
They also have some of the most facepalm-inducing awkawk dialogue as well xD
I love Kurt and Blaine. They are so perfect for each other, but WHY DOES BLAINE GET ALL OF THESE STUPID FUCKING LINES "You always zig when I think you're about to zag~~" That is so... not... what a person his age would say xD Who says that? Who talks like that?
Other crappy Blaine lines:
"Just so you know, Rachel, I'm off the clock. I'm not a Warbler right now, I'm not even wearing my uniform." - Blame it on the Alcohol
We should hope you wouldn't wear your uniform to a party. Did that really need to be said? I'm sure she wasn't assuming you were there to spy on them. I think the writers just put it in so that they could indirectly say LOOK HE'S NOT WEARING HIS UNIFORM OOOOOOOOOOOOH.
And I might get hate for this, but I didn't even like some of his dialogue before the kiss. "Why did you pick me to a duet with?" "There's a moment, Kurt... when you say to yourself..." Yikes. "You move me Kurt and this duet was just an excuse to spend more time with you," was cute AND TO THE POINT, but the little bit before that made me cringe and was completely unneccessary.
And then we have that golden line in Original Song where he compares the death of a bird to Kurt's mother's funeral. Gee...
Other crappy dialogue include anything Rachel and Quinn ever say to each other from Season 2 onwards xD Their relationship made sense in Season 1, but then Season 2 Rachel somehow manages to delude herself into thinking Quinn is her friend and Quinn is just insane. Again Original Song... (gee, I have serious issues with the dialogue in this episode lol) "YOU DON'T BELONG HERE, RACHEL. AND YOU CAN'T HATE ME FOR SENDING YOU ON YOUR WAY. BLAHBLAH YOU'LL NEVER /GET IT RIGHT/ (~foreshadowing~)"
Because seriously? When did Quinn and Rachel EVER have that type of dynamic? It just... didn't make sense.