JPlop's 2014 Secret Santa (remember to send your stuff out in a timely fashion! ^^ )

Morning Musume。'14, Berryz Kobo, ℃-ute, S/mileage, Juice=Juice, Hello!Project, TNX, and more

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JPlop's 2014 Secret Santa (remember to send your stuff out in a timely fashion! ^^ )

Postby boinsie » Sun Nov 02, 2014 11:35 am


It's finally time to start our fourth (!!?!) annual Secret Santa!

"What's Secret Santa?"

A Secret Santa gift exchange works like this: Everyone that wants to participate is randomly assigned another person from the group to get a gift for. A cost ceiling is generally put in place (let's say $20). The identity of the person giving the gift is kept secret at least until the gift is given, though sometimes the sender never reveals him/herself.
In this case we will be mailing gifts, so do keep that in mind when shopping (perishables, fragile things, etc).

"How Do I Participate?"

1. Post in this thread with your likes/dislikes/allergies. This list should ideally include things outside of the H!P world because, let's face it, idol stuff is for the most part prohibitively expensive. ^^;
2. Send me a PM with your mailing address. Also let me know if you're willing to ship outside of your country. Foreign shipping costs can be expensive and I'll let you know if you can be accommodated.

The deadline to sign up is Nov. 16th. (a little over 2 weeks from now!) The morning of Nov 17th I'll have my husband match everyone's names up randomly with one another and he will PM everyone their Secret Santa's info. Please refer to this thread for their likes/dislikes!
Keep shipping time in mind. All packages should probably be mailed out no later than mid-December. :thumbs-up:

Please only sign up if you're able to participate! :xmas:

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Re: JPlop's 2014 Secret Santa (Sign up by Nov. 16!)

Postby Moh » Sun Nov 02, 2014 1:10 pm

Keeping in theme with every other year, I will not be able to participate. :lol:

Hope y'all get some nice goodies, though!
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Re: JPlop's 2014 Secret Santa (Sign up by Nov. 16!)

Postby TotallyUncool » Sun Nov 02, 2014 2:59 pm

I'm in!

I like just about anything that's quirky, interesting, artistic, unusual, unique, or just plain fun. So it doesn't absolutely have to be a live electric eel, although those are always welcome, of course. XD
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Re: JPlop's 2014 Secret Santa (Sign up by Nov. 16!)

Postby koregaboku » Sun Nov 02, 2014 3:35 pm

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Re: JPlop's 2014 Secret Santa (Sign up by Nov. 16!)

Postby forgetmenots » Sun Nov 02, 2014 4:42 pm

I have the money to join in this year~ (since there is a very high chance I'll need to do some overseas shipping lol I wasn't sure if I could do it last year).

-Stuffed Animals (especially of the fox variety)

-Cat Toys (Kittens have so much energy I swear @_@)

-Books (Young Adult usually)

-Shippable food~ If America, Mac N' Cheese, Flaming Hot Cheetohs, Chef Boyardee Ravioli, lol, if another country, interesting food you think someone else should try or you personally love. Of course if Japan, I'd rather you choose something else

-Stickers! I give them to my students from time to time.

-Interesting Pens/Pencils.

Nothing really big to worry about here... I'm always happy to get anything in the mail XD Though nothing jewelry like... I don't tend to like jewelry and rarely find something I'll wear.

H!P Edit: Kamei Eri, Sato Masaki, Sayashi Riho, Tamura Meimi, Takahashi Ai and any MM group things would be great. Recent C-ute or S/mileage as well.

I should also add that I will be going to a MM14 concert before it's time to send off stuff so I might be able to slip in a concert good of a favourite member if I know it.
Last edited by forgetmenots on Mon Nov 03, 2014 12:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: JPlop's 2014 Secret Santa (Sign up by Nov. 16!)

Postby Shoujo Q » Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:51 pm

I'm in!

I like Sailor Saturn/Sailor Moon, Hello!Project (All groups), Doctor Who, Start Trek:TNG and Harry Potter (Snape and Hermione are my fav followed by Harry and Luna.)

I love markers, owls, alpaca, pandas and stickers.

Alphonse Mucha is my spirit artist and I adore overly cute things and timey whimey steam punk stuff.
I'm fascinated with deep space and astronomy also.

Food wise I like trying non western candy and snacks and anything that isn't mass produced like Hershey or Reese's. Local stuff too.

Note: I'll be in Japan for three weeks starting the 24th.
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Re: JPlop's 2014 Secret Santa (Sign up by Nov. 16!)

Postby CaptainBerryzGiraffe » Sun Nov 02, 2014 11:39 pm

I might be able to be in!

...Do you have to buy something, or can you just send things you have & don't need, but think other people would find fun/cool? :P

I like:
Basically anything! :P
H!P (duh, Captain, duhhhhhh), Guitar, comic books, games (like board games. Some board games are SO fun.), or really anything else other than food. :P Ooh, books. If a shirt (I loooove comical shirts. I have so many.), I am a L. c: My favorite colors are yellow, orange, blue.
~Don't send food though~

H!P favs (for erilaz/others? :P):
Shimizu Saki, Ishida Ayumi, Kudo Haruka, Nakanishi Kana, Uemura Akari, Tokunaga Chinami, Tamura Meimi.
Last edited by CaptainBerryzGiraffe on Thu Nov 06, 2014 9:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: JPlop's 2014 Secret Santa (Sign up by Nov. 16!)

Postby Shoujo Q » Mon Nov 03, 2014 12:13 am

I'd feel guilty if I did something like that. If I'm going to send something that's been used (I enjoy shopping at consignment shops) I always compensate and buy something that is new to go with it.
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Re: JPlop's 2014 Secret Santa (Sign up by Nov. 16!)

Postby boinsie » Mon Nov 03, 2014 2:35 am

I feel like unless the pre-owned nature of the item either A. is unnoticeable or B. adds to its charm, that it should be avoided.

An ok example would be: Your person likes tigers. You happen to have a really cool tiger-themed wallet you were given as a thank-you gift at work, but you've never used it because orange just isn't your color. This would be an alright thing to send to your giftee.

Just keep in mind that this isn't an excuse to ship your unwanted garbage to another forum member. :hehe: Try to keep it themed to their likes/dislikes, and consider how you would feel if you received a package like what you send. :thumbs-up:
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Re: JPlop's 2014 Secret Santa (Sign up by Nov. 16!)

Postby CaptainBerryzGiraffe » Mon Nov 03, 2014 3:47 am

^oh, I know that. :P
I was just asking if, let's say something they wanted is something i have but don't need, would it be alright to send.
So, I got my answer. c: Ok!
I'l keep it in mind ;)
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