Iikubo read a letter from Tsunku, announcing it on today's concert.
http://www.helloproject.com/news/140315 ... usume.html
From Tsunku's message:
- The girl/s who pass will participate in events that Morning Musume. '14 have in fall, and will take lessons. They will fully start working as a part of the group in 2015.
- If no one gets picked, there will be the possibility to join Hello!Pro Kenshuusei and get free lessons and take part in lives that way.
- Then it's possible to take part in Morning Musume's next audition and/or join a new Hello!Project unit.
- Yes, the skills of the girls in Morning Musume. '14 these days is really high and because of that the requirements are higher too. But we believe that there are still a lot of talent out there that will shock us.
Age: 10~17
Deadline: 5/11