Woah, I didn't get the resemblance before when we were talking about Mizuho and Yuka in the Pointless thread, but I see it now! It didn't help that when I first looked at the photo I was only looking at Mizuho and I thought Kisora was Tomoko for a sec because of the hair and thought "oh it's a J=J photo" lol
Reina's a cute girl in her own right but I'll never see her as a new Eri. She doesn't carry the same kind of theatrical bashfulness which was to me central to Eri's character. If anything I'd put Eripon more in that category, although she lacks Eririn's flirty aspect.
Eri really didn't grow into her character for quite a few years after she joined. I'd say not till she cut her hair. At least that's when I started to notice her.
For me Reina reminds me of a cross between Eri and Zukki. In looks and voice. She intrigues me so I look forward to watching her grow and blossom.