Amped wrote:Juice=Juice 15th single internet signing events with Limited Stand 1.21.22
5pm~ Inaba Manaka, Ebata Kisaki
Highlights! First, Ebata's turn…
…and then Inaba's turn…
Moderator: Moh
Amped wrote:Juice=Juice 15th single internet signing events with Limited Stand 1.21.22
5pm~ Inaba Manaka, Ebata Kisaki
Amped wrote:TV Promotion
Juice=Juice will have a special program aired on Space Shower TV Plus called "Juice=Juice no Taidaima Shinka Chuu" (Juice=Juice is currently evolving)
Juice=Juice's personalities explode in their new single introduction and acting showdown! A Special program titled "Juice=Juice no Taidaima Shinka Chuu" will be broadcasted.
Uemura Akari, the new leader of the group, acted as MC for the program, which was the first TV recording of the 9-member group, and talked about new songs and planned corners with the unique members.
In the corner of digging deeper into the 15th single "Plastic Love / Familia / uture Smile" released on December 22nd, 2021, each member recommended their own and others' points of interest for the song.
There was also a corner to further polish their acting skills since they tried their hand at acting in the music video for "Familia".
Part 2 of the program will be aired in February. We will be focusing on the talk corner that focuses on the new members that was not able to be included in the January broadcast. The three new members announced their top three choices for various topics, which created a lot of excitement.
With the new organization, the girls are expected to play an even more active role in the future, and this program gives us a glimpse of their true faces as they are "evolving".
"Juice=Juice no Taidaima Shinka Chuu"
Broadcast Date
Part 1 : January 29th, 2022 (Sat.) 9pm~9:30pm
Part 2 : February 13th, 2022 (Sun.) 12:30am~1:00am
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