I think the album is titled "Follow Me" (as is one of the songs), possibly being released on July 30, 2013 in a CD+DVD format with 6 songs?
I'm guessing a lot based on a few iffy online translations, so. Grain of salt, for anyone that cares about this release. The Chinese under spoilers:
Follow Me(發落密)
讓人忍不住Follow著大小姐,一起大唱Follow Me!
Follow 大小姐 一起唱跳歡樂每一天
CD+DVD 超值影音全產品
6首無敵活力歌曲+6首元氣滿分ㄅㄥˋ ㄅㄥˋ跳跳MV
Follow Me酷炫手環及多樣專屬小禮物!!
2013.07.30 豐華唱片歡樂發行
Here is the new music video for "Follow Me".
Aaaand I guess this is the album cover.