Kyuukies/Juukies voices based on that 40 minute FujiTV thing:
1. Zukks: She truly does have a great voice and lots of potential.
2. Haruka: She has a great great voice but I think she needs more power in it.
3. Fuku-hime: I've always liked her voice, I think she just needs a bit more confidence and power.
4. Riho: SHE SOUNDS SO GOOD D< Why can't she sound like that (or better xD) all the time??
5. Ayumi: YAY! I didn't like her voice, but it's gotten sOOooOOOo much better than the last time I heard it. Well to be fair that was like PPU so idk. Also what was that thing with her and Riho during JKM? Anyway, I'm really excited because I think she's adorable and smiley and I'm happy that her singing is getting better. But it's still not very good but whatever
6. Masaki: So cute.
7. Haruna: Not bad! Still needs improvement big time, of course, but not awful.
8. Eripon: She sounded better to me when she debuted. D; but ily girl.
Other things about that performance:
- Boo at OTT twice.
- Reina is flawless perfection queen of H!P okay.
- Lol @ Sayu's everyone love me intro thing.
- I like how Fuku-hime's starts off her intro with JUST TO BE CLEAR I FUCKING LOVE HELLO! PROJECT. It's clear, future leader, it's clear.
- I will never get over how ridiculous Renai Hunter's choreography is. NEVER.
- Also I miss Risa dearly.