Bisuketto: Don't feel bad. I used to also think that Ayacho looked like Mini-Sayumi and others have thought that Ogawa Saki looked like Mini-Kamei Eri when S/Mileage first came out.
I agree, it's not stupid. We longtime fans saw the both of them coming up, whereas you're looking at it from the other side now that Kanon already is established in her own character and Aibon's assumed the emeritus role of the washed-up Lindsay Lohan of H!P. It's not so obvious anymore. Here's some old-timey daguerreotypes with Kanon as a wee lass.
Wook at widdow Dindin!!
EDIT: Here's the clip those powder-blue uniform screencaps come from:
Wow, speaking of look-a-likes, I thought BerryzCelebration posted the Kanyon/Aibon picture, since it was a Chinami profile picture. But it wasn't, it was bisuketto. (talk about look alike. )
Looking at little Ayaka, she's got such dark hair now I didn't realize that she been one of those kids who has lighter hair when they're younger. The lighter hair is always so cute on kids that I wish it wouldn't naturally darken as they get older.