^ Is that supposed to provoke or taunt me? Are you still trying to be edgy? Bless.
Anyhow… No, I didn't forget. I just didn't care strongly enough about any of the "Group ∞" finalists to pick one and only one and then post it in the thread. I like all of them, and I suspect a lot of us here feel the same way. If I couldn't do it with a poll selection, meh.
Going back to what TU said, we all eventually grow up and move on, and given the nature of the Internet, we move in different directions. It's been 12 years since I got into H!P. I'm in my mid-40s now and in a very different place in my life. I still watch H!P videos on YouTube because the subscription feed makes it easy to do so. And I still come here mostly out of habit; even if I didn't have the site on my favorites bar, I have the URL in my muscle memory. But do I still spend a couple hours every day actively searching for stuff to post here? <snort> Good lord, no.
Heck, I still catch myself typing "slashdot.org" sometimes, even though that place has been a dumpster fire for years. (My Slashdot user ID is in the low 5-digits. Other Slashdot users will understand what that means.)