Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby randompasserby » Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:18 am

In terms of in-group dynamics, there are too many bokes and clumsy characters in the group right now so I want someone witty I guess. Someone who'd come up with interesting/off the wall answers to the bland questions they usually throw at new members. Someone who has the potential to be a smart, eloquent speaker and a natural in front of the camera. It'd be nice if she's super cute too.

Basically I want Sayu v.2 minus her unique vocals if possible lol ... uggh now I want to kick myself in the balls for thinking such heresy :crying:

Not that I find the current members' lacking in personalities, but the straight men(Kanon, Haruna, Haruka) among the 91011kies are either a bit too straight (as in, their responses are so standard and it immediately cuts off the chance to bounce off each other extensively) or spent too much time playing the boke themselves :lol:
Oh and 2-3 members generation this time please.

*All preference subject to change pending access to the actual audition footage and its finalists. :P
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby stam4o » Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:28 am

Yeee, have been waiting for it too much. This time it sounds much more promising than the last one. Have to be seen.

And... CUCA! This girl has such an incredibly strong natural talent - she needs to get in, it won't be only just awesome but she deserves it too. So yeah.
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby Panic Nancy » Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:34 am

As always, I just want them to add some strong singers, lol. Sakura is awesome, and I have no complaints about her, but she's not enough. I don't really enjoy their live performances these days. Maybe I'm a weirdo, but I used to love watching each and every performance and watching them over and over and over, and I can't do that anymore. I still love the group, of course, but I'm definitely more into the other stuff that they do now. I'm hoping this audition will change that. But not all of the people that they add have to be strong singers. I love Rikako and I think her energy and personality would add a lot to the group. Her vocals are on the meh side, but she's not bad (already fairly stable while dancing). I think that her plus a strong singer would be great. They've never had a two-person generation before.
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby boinsie » Sun Mar 16, 2014 12:34 pm

JunJun-LinLin were kind-of a two-person generation.
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby BerryzCelebration » Sun Mar 16, 2014 12:39 pm

It will most likely be 3-nin gen, but who knows? After all, after the 5th gen, Morning Musume. HAS been doing a pattern:
5th gen - 4 members
6th gen - 4 members
7th gen - 1 member
8th gen - Originally 1 member, then 3
9th gen - 4 members
10th gen - 4 members
11th gen - 1 member
12th gen - 3 members?

But I hope they don't pull an 8th gen on us. I don't want them to be pushed to the back, I want atleast one of them to be in the front like Riho,Sakura,Mizuki,Masaki,Ayumi or Sayumi.
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby Sohee » Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:43 pm

I don't think he has anything in particular in mind right now. He did say at first, that he was looking for x members and all, but I think he kinda gave that up around 6th or 7th gen. It all, probably, comes down to the girls that qualify to stick around.
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby koregaboku » Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:55 pm

Plus the pattern you speak about hasn't really been established yet. 12th gen would have to be a 3 member gen for us to really call it a pattern. Additionally if we really wanted to create a "pattern" then we'd expect the Aika+JunLin situation with the 12th gen "JunLin" being added on later.

That being said, I do think a 3 member 12th gen is likely. That'll put MM'15 at 13 members (given that Sayu sticks around for a little bit) then 12 members for a while after Sayu graduates until 9th/10th gen starts to graduate out of the group, which if we think they'll have a 5~8 year tenure will slowly give time for 13th gen on to be added.

Oh, and just 'cause I'm being nitpicky for whatever reason if you name over half the group (Sayu, Riho, Mizupon, Daishi, Maa-chan, Sakura is six) they can't really all be front girls. At least one of those you named would be a backgirl. Basically what you meant is that you don't want another Eripon, Zukki, Harunan, Duu backgirl in 12th gen which kinda sucks 'cause that means that those four would be even more backgirls than they are now.
Last edited by koregaboku on Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby BerryzCelebration » Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:58 pm

I am just taking a wild guess on the pattern XD. Somebody over on H!O i think, pointed it out after Sakura joined. But I would love to see another 3 member generation ♥. And then maybe for the 13th gen, they can try something they never did before, like a 2nin generation or a 5nin generation,depending on the size of the line up at the time, or an Eguchi Aimi.

Oh, and what I meant by "I hope this won't be another 8th gen" is that, I just hope that the whole generation gets shoved to the back. With one ace and five backups,and then your four back girls, it's kind of hard to get them all out there, but that doesn't mean that the whole generation has to be in the back.
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby otaku_blue » Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:19 pm

cant imagine any of the kenshuusei in MM right now at all.

maybe they'll grow by next year?
girls who I can see as potentials would be Rikako, and Ruru (but her image needs work lol).
other kenshuusei imo still need more time or aren't suited.
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby Starra » Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:47 pm

Kaede, though.
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