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Morning Musume。'14, Berryz Kobo, ℃-ute, S/mileage, Juice=Juice, Hello!Project, TNX, and more

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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby Pavlova » Wed May 29, 2013 2:37 pm

.. and they also were doing pretty much the exact same amount of concert back when they actually held sports festival, so I really don't get the point you're trying to make?
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby Amped » Wed May 29, 2013 2:46 pm

on 6/2, Morning Musume will featured on an NHK show called "COOL JAPAN" and the topic this week will be "dance"

In the previous episode “Karaoke", many Japanese people sang when they were asked to sing at the pedestrian paradise in Ginza. How do Japanese people react when they are asked to dance? Not only singing but also dancing is important for Japanese Idols.We took a close look at a choreographer to see how popular choreography is born.“Dance" became compulsory class in PE at Japanese Jr. High schools. Our foreign guest went to see how the dance class is like. Will foreigners receive Cool on Japanese dance?


What is Cool Japan?
The keywords, "Cool Japan," are flying all around the world.

From fashion, anime, games, and food, various cultures that the Japanese take for granted are being accepted as cool and trendy by foreigners.

"COOL JAPAN Discovering what makes Japan cool," uses the sense of foreigners to the fullest, to dig up and examine the appeal and secrets of these cool cultural aspects.

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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby zam_ho » Wed May 29, 2013 4:01 pm

I must watch that episode!! Thanks amped for bringing it to my attention.

I watch Cool Japan when I remember it is on XD Earlier this year they featured Tsunku's Akihabara Backstage Pass and it got the picked as the Cool topic for that week's episode. Now its Morning Musume's turn ^_^

Cool Japan's episode on Dance, the CM is on their FB page. They are showing Brainstorming :yahoo:

Update: After viewing the whole CM. UpUp Girls will be on it. Not sure if Morning Musume would be, they only used the Brainstorming MV in the CM. One of the foriegn guests will pay a visit to UpUp Girls and watch them during their dance lesson.
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby otaku_blue » Wed May 29, 2013 10:12 pm

This week's Hello Pro Station! XD
Includes: Reina Graduation Concert Footage, Kira Kira Shiny G performance, Shabondama, Berryz Chinatown MV, S/mileage release event

Berryz new MV is heaps random for being here.

I think they put the MV here because you can't really appreciate it unless its in HD. But it really reminds me of Flying Get. Just outfits wise and background wise.

But wow Saki, you hot like a sunrise.
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby LiamMusume » Wed May 29, 2013 10:34 pm

Awwh Haruna crying at the end :crying:
Made me get a few tears in my eyes too
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby mura_yo » Wed May 29, 2013 11:01 pm

Wow that Shabondama performance :thumbs-up:
did they perform Shabondama twice? i remember a fan-rec with Eripon doing the talking part.
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby Amped » Thu May 30, 2013 12:51 am

Sayumi Michishige
(Morning Musume。)
May 27, 2013
What would you do if each day were an hour longer? All the girls in Morning Musume。 have been thinking about this question. I think I'd use my extra hour each day to send lots of emails to my grandparents. How about you?
http://www.nhk.or.jp/j-melo/nhkworld/en ... 01305.html
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby Sohee » Thu May 30, 2013 2:47 am

^Erina haven't done the speaking in Shabondama. They only did it at the end of the concert, with Reina doing to speaking.
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby wotakubrandon » Thu May 30, 2013 2:53 am

Bless that Shabondama performance. Especially after the ones we got with Platinum Musume.
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby Nayoko-Kihara » Thu May 30, 2013 11:16 am

That "Shabondama" was pretty great. Lots of parks I was excited to hear.
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