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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby Shoujo Q » Tue May 28, 2013 9:26 am

What exactly is Eri so busy doing that she can't hang out with her 6th Gen girls?
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby boinsie » Tue May 28, 2013 9:31 am

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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby 321BreakinOut » Tue May 28, 2013 9:42 am

Business on her home planet OBVIOUSLY guys :hehe:
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby randompasserby » Tue May 28, 2013 9:57 am

I'd like to know more of what she's currently doing too XD
Could be the other way around though, SayuRena being too busy for her at the time... I'd imagine it's probably too hectic backstage in the final day of the tour for Eri to just intrude freely and then there's the afterparty, interviews and whatnot for Reina and Sayu. If after all that they're still not dead tired yet, they probably had private plans too. Iirc Reina went out to dinner with her own friends from Fukuoka after Budokan.

Reina herself has said many times pretty much everywhere that she doesn't want to make too big deal out of this with the members since they can always see or at least text each other again if they want too. Maybe Eri felt the same way or knew how Reina would feel and just leave it for later :lol:
The way Sayu and Reina talked about her and her reaction to graduations, both Reina's and her own, she could be seen as very flighty (Reina was kinda worried about Sayu after Eri graduated, while Eri only lightly brushed it off saying "Sayu will be fine") but both acknowledged that Eri knows them better than almost any other members.
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby Chibs » Tue May 28, 2013 10:03 am

It wasn't like Eri wasn't there, so I imagine it was Sayu and Reina who were busy. Especially seeing the lack of photos from other girls who were there and there were plenty of girls there.
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby Starra » Tue May 28, 2013 11:53 am

321BreakinOut wrote:Business on her home planet OBVIOUSLY guys :hehe:

I've always wondered if she's from the same planet as Kaori or not.
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby resop2 » Tue May 28, 2013 12:26 pm

+Kyu wrote:What exactly is Eri so busy doing that she can't hang out with her 6th Gen girls?

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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby Amped » Tue May 28, 2013 1:33 pm

next month's episode of Girls News Hello Pro
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby Sohee » Tue May 28, 2013 1:42 pm

randompasserby wrote:In actuality she just didn't have enough time to go visit them in the dressing room and just talk leisurely, she also couldn't hang out with them immediately afterwards and they haven't even had any opportunity to set up any private commemorative plans to go out on a trip together or something like that in the future at all yet :rofl:

Where... did you get that from? Just listened to this myself and they didn't really mention lack of time or anything? ^^;; Actually they pretty much confirmed with their silence and weird low mood that they didn't really talk backstage at all.

randompasserby wrote:

Did write up a summary of my own, which... makes no sense, just for my own private use so the formatting is awful nor is it literal but figured I could post it if someone wants to read.
Spoiler: show
- Reina tells how Kanon sent her a long mail about thanking for stuff and it made Reina REALLY happy but she's so doubtful of people so she wasn't sure if she should be happy abt it or not. She just replied with a "Thanks, see ya tmrw" in return ahaha. Sayu goes on saying "That's so sad! What have you gone through in the past?!" because Reina has decided not to trust people so easily.

- Sayu cried in Budoukan. Not during the actual concert but during RH when Reina did her solo - cheerful song - she saw Reina as a distant person and realized that she's graduating and remembering all these things made her sad. It was different from standing on the same stage.

- Sayu mentions the audition --- and says the wrong year and audition name. Reina points it out. Both of them go "YADA MOU YADAAA" for ages lmao.

- 6ki were called being the "troublemakers" when they joined. They don't think they were. They didn't answer at all when people talked to them - but they were nervous, it wasn't because they were rude or anything.

- These days, if their singing teacher (Sugai, one of the people with UF, often on auditions) if these days he would touch their stomach or whatever that's fine they don't really think of it. "But back then (here Reina gets hesitant) to be touched by a... well... (Sayumi giggles) to be touched by a guy like that was new right?" Reina also hated to get changed among the members, thinking "Why do I have to show my underwear to these people?!" and the members would compliment each other's underwear. Which made both Sayu and Reina blink, and Reina would think "WHY ARE YOU LOOKING." However, Sayu thought that since they're looking, that means that she could look too. Reina on the other hand would try to hide while getting changed and/or just change really quickly so that no one would be able to see.

- Reina wasn't that worried or bothered with Eri leaving. Of course it was weird and she didn't want her to but she knew that she would be fine on her own (Reina, that is). However she was worried about Sayu since, Sayu and Eri were always together. "Sayu will die, won't she?!" Reina used to think that Sayu was the type who wouldn't be able to live on her own. (Sayu: Surprisingly that's not the case...) and these days Reina knows that's not how it is but she used to be with Eri ALL THE TIME so. So she was thinking of Sayu like "Now, after Eri, who will she go for~?" But Sayu was thinking the exact same thing and that she would probably end up graduating right after Eri. But Eri told her that Sayu definitely would be just fine.

- Sayu said that it feels like Reina was with MM during the shoot today and even Riho said the same thing, that somehow it felt like Reina was still there. Reina doesn't feel that she's graduated either.

- They get asked what they: Sayumin who holds the group together, and the ace Reina, thinks of the group's 9ki, 10ki, 11ki - both good and bad points. [They didn't answer this orz] Reina doesn't quite recognize herself as an ace, which makes Sayu go "Eh?!"
Rena: Not at all, I wish I'd been pushed more.
Sayu: Eh, you've been the ace for 10 years right?
Rena: No way, it's not enough, not at all! [in terms of her own skills]
Sayu: Ah so you have high standards for yourself, right?
Rena: I'm not the ace at all, not at all. Well, like, I know I have a lot of singing parts, of course, but...

Whenever Reina has felt annoyed or fed up with how things have been dealt with (singing parts/positions/etc) she would get annoyed at herself for being annoyed with it in the first place as it's not something that she could actually so anything about. Because showbiz is tough and because you need luck too and during those periods she really just couldn't care to give a fuck about anything. Sayumi asks how she was able to get through those periods - to which Reina says that she can't say that on the radio but will tell Sayumi afterwards.

Rena: Some people do their best but sometimes they just don't get rewarded.
Sayu: Yeah, because they think they will be rewarded and they do their best, but then sometimes maybe they won't be. Maybe they will grow and improve themselves but there's nothing promising that that's gonna be a good result that they wished for.
Rena: Yeah nothing says that it will.
Sayu: No matter how much you work, somethings are just impossible. There are only so many things you can do on your own, so. Yeah, that's the really hard side of showbiz.
Rena: Definitely.

- Rena goes on saying that there are a lot of cute girls and stuff out there but that, somehow, still don't sell very well or anything. But she realizes that unless someone has something that stands out a little bit they're probably not gonna sell - perfection doesn't sell. Then they go on and talk about how one's eyes gets used to people's looks and all, like how someone ugly eventually becomes cute and how someone pretty eventually becomes ugly if they're exposed to them enough times. Then they continue saying that it's not just the face that makes someone last in showbiz, but also behavior and how they hold themselves, and not just being good at singing but the way they sing and the way they perform. Also the way they choose their words etc etc.
Rena: Well, just now Sayu said that it's not about the face but, honestly it is. Too.
Sayu: Ah, well yeah, there's a type of face but yeah.
Rena: Basically one has to be at least cute!

- Question from fans asking Reina what was the good/bad things about being the center in Morning Musume. Rena says that one of the good things is that the people will come to recognize her, and that her name is often displayed as subtitles and such. She says that there aren't any bad things about being in the center, though one of course gets worried about the next single whether or not they'll be the center again or not. Of course for themselves, but also because the staff around them too would notice that they got pushed in the back.

- Sayu feels that she's getting quite good positions lately, not the center but next to or close to being the center at least and that made her really happy, but then when Gaki graduated for One Two Three, she was quite far in the back and that shocked her quite a lot. She was frustrated about this, but she also felt bad for the makeup artist who had done her makeup and all, too. Reina agrees, saying that she defintely understands.

- Rena says that if she was doing management, she would definitely put Sayu in the front these days. Since, after all, she's Sayu. Sayumi agrees.
Sayu: Exactly! Who do you think I am? I'm Sayu!
Rena: Seriously!
6ki: SA-YU!
Rena: lolol but seriously, I would, visual-wise you're great. You look the best now.
Sayu: From these 10 years?
Rena: Yeah.
Sayu: Yahooi!
Sayu: A quite high-level manager is here so... you listening? Yeah? Hehehe
Sayu: Onegaishimasu yo~
Rena: But he can't really do anything about that.
Sayu: LOL SERIOUSLY!? Well, then I want someone who has that right to listen to this, Tsunku-san or something!

- Question about if 6ki were able to hang out and talk at Budoukan since Eri was there. Not the three of them.
Rena: We didn't talk backstage nor are we gonna hang out from now on!
Sayu: Don't destroy their dreams!!!
(Insert lies about how they all cried and held their own ceremony backstage and how they talked about hanging out the next day~ But they won't put up anything on the blogs because it's just their memories and their time together the three of them~)

- Question from fan about what Sayu think is Reina's weak side: Sayu can't really come up with anything, so Reina says that she always says bugs or cockroaches and such. Sayu: Ah, yeah you're surprisingly girly that way...
Rena: Surprisingly?!
Sayu: Ah well you seem all strong and all after all.
Rena: SRSLY?!
Sayu: Yeah you seem like you just wouldn't care.
Rena: Eeeeh really...
Sayu: But you shriek immediately, right?
Rena: Mm.
Sayu: I'm surprisingly okay. I can't hold them or anything, but if I see them I'm fine as long as they're not by me.
Rena: I can't, if I just see one I cry.
Sayu: You do! But you didn't cry at your graduation...

- Question to Reina: Reina rather than wanting to become Morning Musume, you wanted to meet Goto Maki. The first 4-5 years were hell. You didn't become close with the members... Didn't you think sometime along these 10 years that you wanted to quit? Were you able to continue because you were able to do what you wanted (to sing)?
Rena: I wanted to quit.
Sayu: Right? There's no way everything is always fun and happy for 10 years straight. I'm still in the group so I can't really say anything.
Rena: Mm, don't.
Sayu: But Rena, who's graduated, say it.
Rena: Eh?
Sayu: But when we just joined we had to remember all these ump-ty songs and that was harsh, wasn't it?
Rena: Yeah, maybe I wanted to quit the most at that time when we just joined.
Sayu: Yeah, but that's something everyone feels right? We came from Fukuoka and Yamaguchi and we had no friends and just our moms with us... It's quite sad.
Rena: Yeah.
Sayu: Ah yeah, whenever we just had a few days off, we'd wanna go back home, right?
Rena: Yeah, even if just one day, I wanted to go back home.
Sayu: Yeah, and we were always talking with our friends back there and all.
Rena: Yeah, wanted to be connected to Fukuoka in someway.
Sayu: Thinking of it like that, the current members don't seem that way at all.
Rena: Yeah.
Sayu: I wonder why...
Rena: Because we're born in different eras?

- Question from a fan: When I first saw the 6ki auditions, I honestly thought you were a bunch of girls with no willingness, no energy, who just kept looking in your mirrors and I really didn't want you in Morning Musume. But before I knew it, you all growth and I really like all of you. Reina, what would you say to yourself from 10 years ago?
Rena: (After a lot of thinking) Ah, there will be a lot of painful and annoying things, but in the end you'll graduate and get a band.
Sayu: You're telling her everything!
Rena: There will be a lot of bad things, but it'll get better and once you pass 20 it'll be a lot of fun!

- When Sayumi thinks of her own graduation, she gets worried and slightly insecure. Reina asks what she wanna do when she graduates, and Sayumi has no idea. She doesn't really feel that she wanna decide that while in the group. She wanna graduate once she feels she's reached some achievement with the group and then, once she has graduated, she feels that she could just decide what to do afterwards. (Rena: What do you mean achievement?) Like, I don't know, when I've properly repayed the group for what it's given me. (Rena: What's thaat, omg, so mature!) I want to graduate after that and then think of what to do next. (Rena: Woah, amazing, it's great you became leader and not Rena. Rena wouldn't have thought of that at all.) Well, I think Rena has repaid the group way more than you realize. (Rena: No way... I caused hell of a lot of troubles.) Mm, well, you couldn't quite come to Hawaii and all too. (Rena: LOL.)

- Apparently there's a tradition that whenever a graduated member comes, they read letters to each other and there's always a lot of tears happening then. Rena starts.
"To Sayu,
Should I write this seriously? Or should I joke around? I don't know how to write letters but I'll do my best.
Rena don't really check others' blogs, but because the fans wrote in the comments that Sayu was missing Rena, I felt a bit embarrassed but it made me happy. Since I graduated Sayu has sent photos and such more than before, and now after 10 years and after I've graduated we mail way more than we ever did before. That's hilarious.
Honestly, I thought that when I graduate I probably won't keep in touch with anyone and that eventually everything would fall apart and go away, and that I get mails from Sayu and that I get told that the other members miss me, makes me really happy. I don't really trust people that easily, so in a way I wonder if it's what they really think, but I chose to trust this. From this point, as soon as something fun happens in Morning Musume, let me know!
With Rena gone, you just have kids all around you, but please do your best while staying true to yourself. I'll probably go and see the Morning Musume concerts.
This is it, otsukareina~
From Rena."

"To Rena,
A week has passed since I said congratulations on your graduation. When I saw you do Kirakira fuyu no shiny G in Budoukan, I thought that you're really cute and a perfect idol. And at the same time I realized that you're graduating, which made me sad. But then the ceremony was hilarious, when "Never Forget" started I was moved, but even so it was made a hilarious ceremony. It was very Reina-like. Since Reina loves to sing and one can tell by looking that you love it. You kept saying that since you will continue even after your graduation, this wasn't a sad graduation but rather that you looked forward to it, and that you were able to keep that atmosphere to the end, got to me. Since you decided this on your own, too, I think you're very cool.
Ever since you graduated, Satou is next to me all the time, saying "I wish Tanasataan would return..." Rather than wishing for you to come back, I wonder what you're doing. The moody you who'd go "UGH DUN WANNA!" whenever you're tired or annoyed has gone away from the group, but I'll do my best to keep the strong 6ki legend going from here on too. I hope that you'll be able to stay the way you are with Lovendor too, even when there will be troubling and difficult things.
I'll go to your concerts. Come to ours.
From Sayumi."

- Both of them are worried about how they will do from now on. 6ki, whenever they would have MCs and such, their talks would always get almost "too bad" and they would always have to stop each other but because they were from the same gen and knew each other that well, they could rely on each other for that. As it is right now, Sayu doesn't have anyone like that in MM and Rena doesn't have one in Lovendor, both of them are kind of troubled with this right now. So they suggest that Sayu should go to Lovendor lives for MC-only and Rena would appear on MM lives for MC-only. Sayu asks the manager there... and then they both start laughing. Rena, says that if they're both busy on weekends, they should work around it.

- Question: Was the sudden announcement of subleaders actually really sudden? It was actually really sudden, Iikubo, Fukuchan both didn't know and Sayumi didn't know either. That whole scene made Rena really nervous. Normally it would have been fine with just Mizuki, since she's in 9ki and she's good at all of that. But Iikubo is older and mentally she is way more mature and since she has the most general knowledge since she was living as an unknown person the longest. In that sense, even compared to the 6ki, her presence for Morning Musume right now is very big. But since it wouldn't be okay to go to Iikubo and skip Mizuki, Rena thought that both would be nice. And because of their new titles, they will have new opportunities to stand out as well. Sayumi says that she can tell already that Mizuki definitely is paying attention to this already, she's carefully looking at the members.

Ending: Reina saying a normal word in a sexy-way: 6ki saikyou~ (6ki are the strongest)
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby Amped » Tue May 28, 2013 1:59 pm

Namaiki TV 5-27-13 - Ishida Ayumi

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