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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby Starra » Mon May 27, 2013 11:43 pm

Her whole body has been looking great lately.

She's so cute :heart: .
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby Mizu_D3 » Mon May 27, 2013 11:52 pm

since when she looks very cute...
so, puberty you are doing it right, huh? :rofl:
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby wotakubrandon » Tue May 28, 2013 12:36 am

She looks exactly the same.
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby Zunu » Tue May 28, 2013 1:34 am

When she joined S/m, my first thought was: OH MY TSUNK that girl is fug! Whywhywhywhywhy? But somewhere between then and now she became one of the prettiest girls in H!P to me.
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby 321BreakinOut » Tue May 28, 2013 1:49 am

Same except I don't find her one of the "most" prettiest girls in H!P but I do think she has gotten very cute recently
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby Reina » Tue May 28, 2013 2:43 am

Joining Hello! Project makes all girls pretty/cute.
I miss Yanamin...
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby Zunu » Tue May 28, 2013 3:06 am

See, there's your problem right there, Reina. Too cute already.
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby randompasserby » Tue May 28, 2013 5:45 am

This week's Konya Mo Usachan Peace is a special one-hour long live broadcast with Reina as guest. Still as cheerful as ever :grin:

Personal highlights just the fun parts in the first half, leaving out the deeper talks since I don't have the brain cells to translate and do it justice this time of night. Their letters to each other especially :crying:
-It's barely a week since Budokan but since the show starts at 12pm, first "Happy Birthday Sayashi!"
-Maachan and Sayu has been texting to Reina almost everyday since her graduation. Maachan has been singing Kira Kira Fuyu Shiny G almost everyday since too, even though Reina suspects she only just first heard it at Budoukan. :lol:
-Sayu cried a lot during Budokan rehearsals and in between performances watching Reina. The one being watched didn't know anything about it until now and was very surprised. She thought Sayu didn't feel that way at all and that Sayu should've told her. But both of them held it in for each other's and the makeup-sans sake XD
-The part where Reina felt like crying the most was the circle yell with everyone before starting the show.
-They both were surprised how much the members cried. Especially Sato and Iikubo
For Reina, she never thought she would be missed by the members this much. She was afraid they would've thought something more along the lines of 「Well, go ahead and graduate already!」.
Sayu too was harboring some negative thoughts about the members reaction to Reina's grad. Reina had always supported Morning Musume and pulling the group forward with her singing so she was afraid they'd react like 「Wait a sec, shouldn't a certain someone else graduate first before Tanaka-san?」. Reina shot down the idea saying with how kind Sayu is towards the members there's no way they would think something like that.
-Reina was happy getting long mails from Zukki and the other members the day before the graduation concert but she only replied with "Thx" or "Yay~". She admits she was never the type to show her happiness honestly. TsundeReina :love:
-Sharing memories of being called the problem-child generation xD
-From the very beginning until now, Reina hated changing in the same room in front of the other girls. Sayu had no problem with it after getting used to changing around the senpais... nowadays also being one to comment on or compliment others' underwear and body :fear:
-A letter mentioned Eri coming to Budokan and asked for more detail of Rokkies interaction with her but apparently Eri was pretty casual/nonchalant about the whole thing lawl. Lmfao Business Rokkies cracking themselves up playacting various fake excuses on not showing any pics or mentioning Eri at all in their blogs " We can't show or tell you, this is a precious memory just between the three of us" . In actuality she just didn't have enough time to go visit them in the dressing room and just talk leisurely, she also couldn't hang out with them immediately afterwards and they haven't even had any opportunity to set up any private commemorative plans to go out on a trip together or something like that in the future at all yet :rofl:

One of the most interesting KonUsapi EVER. 1hr Rokkie MC :w00t:
If she would make guest appearances like this from time to time, I have nothing more to feel sad about her graduation :happy:

Seriously... these two :l: :l: :l:
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby Zunu » Tue May 28, 2013 8:25 am

randompasserby wrote:Sayu had no problem with it after getting used to changing around the senpais... nowadays also being one to comment on or compliment others' underwear and body :fear:

Spoiler: show
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby 321BreakinOut » Tue May 28, 2013 8:57 am

^ OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG :mikihead: :mikihead: :mikihead: :mikihead: :mikihead: :mikihead:
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