In retrospect, maybe I shouldve done this during the last event with the gauge/meter thing. I wouldve maxed it and get rarer cards + build Angerme better (possibly). I'm happy, though, that this time I pretty much got all the cards I needed to make all the groups =) (though my wallet probably wasnt so happy...)
That being said, I probably wont (and shouldnt) do this again until 12 gen and Kobushi Factory are added in so that my win-win scenario is ensured (win win scenario meaning chance at SR/SSR cards, and if not, then ensuring a high chance at getting Rs I want, meaning the new girls and not the regular Rs you can get through friend gacha/live rewards). For example, during this event, I wanted any SRs and SSRs, and the total chances of that were SR (13.20%) + SSR (2.25%) = 15.45%. But in the R section, I was after Angerme and Country Girls. (3) Angerme being 3% each and (5) Country Girls 4.83% each. So I had approximately 33.3% chance more of cards I wanted, adding that to the 15.45% SR/SSR chance, makes for 48.75% chance at getting a card I want, which was exactly what happened. First 2 times I rolled were CG, 2 more times were other Rs. The rest followed accordingly.
I hope that when they add these girls (or new girls) for friend gacha/live rewards that its cards different from the star stone gacha ver so that there's more variety and at the same time it doesnt diminish the value of the Rs in star stone gacha. Having regular Rs (ones available outside star stone gacha) in star stone gacha is kinda an ehh idea. Tbh I probably wouldve jumped the gun sooner if all the Rs in the star stone gacha were exclusive, and its a better incentive for players to pay money/use up their reward star stones on, rather than worrying about getting Rs that you get from friend gacha and live rewards (which was what I was trying to avoid). Well, this game is still young, I hope they improve the games loads more, it'll only add that much more fun this already addicting (for me) game.