by AyuHikaru » Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:00 am
For me, I actually prefer it when each group has kind of a signature sound that the other groups don't really touch, because I want each group to be more unique and not completely interchangable. It doesn't mean that they can't deviate, of course, but I like to be able to look down at H!P and kind of be able to compartmentalize what each group is. If there's too much bleed through the only way for me to describe what makes each group different is by knowing the members inside and out - which a casual fan just isn't going to care about.
Again, this is doesn't mean they stick to the same song all the time. Just, I like a bit of unique flavor in my groups' sound where I can go "That is definitely a <H!P group> song." for like every... other single or so.
I probably didn't explain this right, but it's kind of hard to explain.
I like S/mileage songs like "Samui Ne..." or whatever, but Smileage's backbone is songs like "Miniskirt postwoman" which is very S/mileage so I want to hear S/mileage songs come some S/mileage.
It doesn't really sound like this single has a typical "S/mileage" song, which I'd prefer, but it doesn't mean the songs are bad.