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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby randompasserby » Fri Dec 21, 2012 6:09 pm

Momoko in Waratte Iitomo


Morning Musume Space Shower TV special -extra 12/15

Video's a bit out of sync and most of it are talk segments from the 15th anniversary special with OGs a while ago but there's also some clips of MM's world handshake event and new Colorful Character footage in there so still worth watching :happy:

Morning Musume will be featured in BIG ONE GIRLS magazine February issue with interviews from Sayu and Reina

来年2月に発売する「BIG ONE GIRLS No.015」の取材がはじまりました。現在、(取材日順に)BiSとドロシー、モーニング娘。が撮影&インタビュー終了。道重さゆみちゃんと田中れいなちゃんのちょっといい話が聞けたような気がします。

Morning Musume's 10ki will have a serialization on UTB, a self-produced calendar series
First, January issue will be produced by IikuboP with Ishida as the model
モーニング娘。マネージャー ‏@MorningMusumeMg

そして、UTBにて10期連載が本格的に始動! 10期がプロデュースするカレンダー、1月は飯窪Pとモデル石田です(=゚ω゚)ノ #morningmusume

Is this the serialization they promised for the winner of the 9ki vs 10ki event in their pb a while back?
Well, at least this guarantees a year-long promotion so that's awesome :lol:
srsly though, i can do without any more 6 v 9 v 10 v 11 separation in the future. i want the whole momusu dammit :fear: come on fukuhime make it happen!
Harunan and Ayumin had a recording for BS-Asahi's 『J-POP Ranking』, to be broadcasted on 1/20
http://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/ent ... 42871.html
http://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/ent ... 64670.html
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby SaebaRyo » Sat Dec 22, 2012 5:33 am

Airi Young Gangan preview.
Image Image Image
http://www.square-enix.co.jp/magazine/y ... ri_suzuki/

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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby 321BreakinOut » Sat Dec 22, 2012 5:41 am

I swear I've seen Maimi in a similar outfit except red :lol:
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby Parhelion69 » Sat Dec 22, 2012 6:15 am

Airi is just too hot... <3
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby Rm88 » Sat Dec 22, 2012 7:29 am

Ah, so it is happening. I'm warming up to Haruna.
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby Celedam » Sat Dec 22, 2012 7:58 am

Girls News #10, reposted in HD…

H!P members on the radio

Making of "NEXT MY SELF"

Making of "WANT!"

BeriKyuu "Chou HAPPY Collabo"

Miyabi's interview

"Hello! Channel" release event

C-ute concert rehearsals

Reina's band and graduation announcements

This is the show to watch since SATOYAMA Life replaced Hello Pro TIME.
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby otaku_blue » Sat Dec 22, 2012 5:05 pm

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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby randompasserby » Sat Dec 22, 2012 9:51 pm

BLT New Year Haropro Special
MM's been posted and these ones are smaller scans but there's the rest of h!p so :fear:

Sayu's interview excerpt from the JUNON magazine that's out today from 2ch
Spoiler: show
名無し募集中。。。[] 投稿日:2012/12/22(土) 18:45:56.00 0
「JUNON」 2013年2月号 -2012- STAR'S PRIVATE RANKING 道重さゆみ(モーニング娘。) (抜粋)

从*・ 。.・)<もともとさゆみは、自分のことよりメンバーのことを考えるような

从*・ 。.・)<実はもともとアドリブが利くタイプじゃないから、バラエティ番組を

从*・ 。.・)<その後は、夏に50thシングルのリリースでたくさん

http://ameblo.jp/sayumimichishige-blog/ ... 05687.html

「JUNON」 2013年2月号 -2012- STAR'S PRIVATE RANKING 道重さゆみ(モーニング娘。) (抜粋)

从*・ 。.・)< Originally I wasn't the type to worry more about other members compared to myself. As long as I'm in a good position it's all ok, I had that type of personality (lol). For a short while after entering Morning Musume I didn't have many singing parts and I was always positioned in the back or to the sides so I wasn't sure where I fit in exactly. Since that time for 10 years with just this wicked tongue I was able to rise up to the point of even being appointed as the Leader (lol). "It's fine with you being the way you are" when they told me this I was so relieved.

从*・ 。.・)<Actually from the start I was never the type that can ad-lib smoothly, so when watching variety shows I also studied the patterns diligently and simulated it inside my head like 「If I'm ignored here, I'll answer like this」 and so on. In talks it only depends on how much effort you put into it so even in concerts I always do it seriously like my life depended on it

从*・ 。.・)< After that well, in summer we had so many release events for our 50th single, in autumn there's the 15th anniversary of our group's formation and also we went on a world handshake tour in Taiwan, Thai, S.Korea and France. It was a lot of fun getting in touch with fans from abroad. Especially, in France there was a lot of female fans. Saying 「Sayumi、kawaii」to me in halting speech, they were so cute (lol). On the contrary, I was the one who had a feast for the eyes
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Postby Zunu » Sat Dec 22, 2012 11:51 pm

One day Sayumi's life and teachings will be emulated by millions of cute girls -- she's the Shakyamuni Buddha of idols.
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby randompasserby » Sun Dec 23, 2012 6:14 am

Morning Jogakuin - Hokago Meeting #38 12/22 Eripon, Zukki, Ayumin, Haru

What you want for Christmas present :

|||9|‘_ゝ‘)< Solo song and Niigaki-san!
从*´◇`)< Wants to see how her life would be like in the Showa era
川c ’∀’)< Funniness
ハo´ 。`ル< Mera-mera no Mi and Thousand sunny. One piece stuff, so she wants to be able to control fire and have a pirate ship of her own? such an adorable kid XD
They played Help me! :music:
randompasserby wrote:-----
Morning Musume's 10ki will have a serialization on UTB, a self-produced calendar series
First, January issue will be produced by IikuboP with Ishida as the model
モーニング娘。マネージャー ‏@MorningMusumeMg

そして、UTBにて10期連載が本格的に始動! 10期がプロデュースするカレンダー、1月は飯窪Pとモデル石田です(=゚ω゚)ノ #morningmusume

Miko Ayumin, courtesy of Harunan
http://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/ent ... 04422.html
Apparently Harunan likes Miko (shrine maidens) :|
bu- but.. me too >.< stop making me like you more and more dammit xD !
Her love of manga is really leaking out, especially shoujo-ai genre considering her interactions with Dawa, but her particular brand of it seems to be more a romanticized, idealized view of an innocent maiden compared to the usual twisted, perverted fujoshi version. For a recent example... Harunan is basically Saotome Roman lol
She really is like the main character from an old shoujo manga ...Artsy, romanticist, genre-savvy and all the appearance traits of an old shoujo manga protagonist :lol:

Man, I'll be looking forward to the day when she start producing her own (or for other members, I'm not picky) photobooks like Sayu did with Sayuminglandoll
She should learn more from Sayu to convince the higher ups to give her a shot too. Just ... don't let Sayu corrupt her too much until then ^^;; :fear:
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