Morning Musume Space Shower TV special -extra 12/15
Video's a bit out of sync and most of it are talk segments from the 15th anniversary special with OGs a while ago but there's also some clips of MM's world handshake event and new Colorful Character footage in there so still worth watching

Morning Musume will be featured in BIG ONE GIRLS magazine February issue with interviews from Sayu and Reina
来年2月に発売する「BIG ONE GIRLS No.015」の取材がはじまりました。現在、(取材日順に)BiSとドロシー、モーニング娘。が撮影&インタビュー終了。道重さゆみちゃんと田中れいなちゃんのちょっといい話が聞けたような気がします。
Morning Musume's 10ki will have a serialization on UTB, a self-produced calendar series
First, January issue will be produced by IikuboP with Ishida as the model
モーニング娘。マネージャー @MorningMusumeMg
そして、UTBにて10期連載が本格的に始動! 10期がプロデュースするカレンダー、1月は飯窪Pとモデル石田です(=゚ω゚)ノ #morningmusume
Is this the serialization they promised for the winner of the 9ki vs 10ki event in their pb a while back?
Well, at least this guarantees a year-long promotion so that's awesome

srsly though, i can do without any more 6 v 9 v 10 v 11 separation in the future. i want the whole momusu dammit

Harunan and Ayumin had a recording for BS-Asahi's 『J-POP Ranking』, to be broadcasted on 1/20

http://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/ent ... 42871.html
http://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/ent ... 64670.html