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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby randompasserby » Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:49 pm

It's a live show covering the elections for almost 5hours with a national audience, this is great exposure for Sayu :happy:
can't keep up with the threads over at 2ch anymore wtf already on the 7th one since the show started
Gotta be pretty exhausting though sitting there for hours concentrating on the reports while commenting only here and there
Spoiler: show

Hang in there Sayu !! :thumbs-up:

edit--- oh whoops never mind, they had another set of guests to rotate. Sayu's turn is over now
She looks pretty relieved near the end as if thinking "whew it's finally over" lol, at least she's smiling again xD
Good job nevertheless :clap:
Last edited by randompasserby on Sun Dec 16, 2012 11:29 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby AyuHikaru » Sun Dec 16, 2012 11:06 pm

A live show about the elections? Yeah that's really good exposure. Weird they invited her, but a lot of people are watching none-the-less.
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby lynnkung » Mon Dec 17, 2012 3:06 am

Sayu is gorgeous!!!
I'd watch that show if I were in Japan even if it's a political stuff :inlove:
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby DSQueenie » Mon Dec 17, 2012 7:25 pm

AyuHikaru wrote:A live show about the elections? Yeah that's really good exposure. Weird they invited her, but a lot of people are watching none-the-less.

Not really as much as young people aren't super interested in politics they can vote. Maybe there thinking was to get the young female angle on the election. I think there was a shock result for the conservatives this time. I'm not surprised since there has been three prime ministers in three years the current party were bound to lose plus conservatives always win in an economic down turn (except in the USA it seems). It's scary though since they think this will increase tensions with China and Korea and Japan can't afford to mess with China right now.
I used to have a Tumblr about Idols...
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby randompasserby » Mon Dec 17, 2012 8:37 pm

Oversimplifying a bit here but to put it bluntly, she's the eyecandy for the show. The main focus of that live broadcast was the talking heads and on-site reports of the elections after all ...what a lovely candy she was though :fear: :love:
Her being studious and smart enough to keep up and even participate a little bit in the discussion was just icing on the cake ... and idk about getting more young people interested in politics but it certainly get idol fans (mainly momusu, err ok... maybe just the Sayu-wotas ) to watch it judging from the rate the threads at 2ch were moving when it aired.
2012/12/16(日) 21:03:02 レス総数 : 1657res/分
 #│    局    │  レス数. │ 率 │ 番組
 1|.テレビ東京.|. 882res/分.|. 54%|池上彰の総選挙ライブ
 2| NHK総合 . |. 328res/分.|. 20%|衆院選2012開票速報

In contrast the actual tv ratings during the hour Sayu was on is almost half the ratings of NHK's elections coverage at the same time although it's still pretty good
17.3% 19:55-21:00 NHK 衆院選2012開票速報
*8.6% 19:54-21:00 TX* 池上彰の総選挙ライブ・第1部

I'll refrain to comment on the elections itself since I know basically nothing about it XD


Sayu's comment from the latest J-Melo journal
Sayumi Michishige
(Morning Musume。)
Dec. 10, 2012
I have a new passion: making fruit juice. I put all kinds of fruit in my juicer: bananas, kiwis, blueberries, pears, and lots more. I love making banana-and-chocolate milkshake and fruity desserts too. You should try this! Yum-yum!
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby Pavlova » Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:02 am

I'd be interested to know what she said..
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby randompasserby » Tue Dec 18, 2012 6:57 am

^i don't remember much of it sorry

2012.12.17■ Michishige Sayumi 『Konya mo☆Usa-chan Peace』#320

Spoiler: show
A letter from one listener asked Sayu to share some of the member's charm point that only she knows. The letter mentions Fukuhime's mole in a "wonderful" place truly a sacred mole. Sayu said she doesn't know where that "wonderful" spot is but she'll make sure to investigate later. But Uhmmmm :fear:
Her answers are ...
- Harunan's every part is slender/slim
- Rihoriho toenails are cute

| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
| Mr. Policeman, it's that woman。 |
|______ _________|
 ____  V
 \=@(ヽ                  ナノ?
  ( ・∀・)ソ☆ノハヽ       oノハヽo
  // У ノノリ*´ー´リ        (・ 。.・*从
 (フ==◎=|と  っ          ( つっ
  (_)_) しーJ           (_/!_ノ

- Ayumin always being considerate to others. It's a very good quality to have but Sayu thinks she also need to stand out a bit more so she always encourages her to break out of her shell. She does, but she turns out to be a samui-kyara (someone whose jokes is always a bit on the lame/uninteresting side) so Sayu regrets it a little (lol)
In the end Sayu think it's great in some ways since there's no one else like that in the current members since Ikuta's brand of KY is unique xD
The line of succession for samui-kyaras goes like this according to Sayu...
Ishikawa ---> Eri ---> Ishida
On another part of the show, she also mentions the Reina today shines the brightest since she knows her. 6kies love :blush:

Sakura is very good at mimicking other members singing voice. She's done Dawa's part in Samui ne~, and she can imitate Sayu and Fukuhime's voice too. Sayu thinks she can probably copy everyone's voice in Hello!Project
Sakura seems to like hugging her senpais from behind. She's ... a bit weird too lol, she actually makes it a habit to hug a member at least once everyday so she can familiarize herself faster and communicate better. Wonder who taught her that :roll:
She finally hugs Sayu from behind a while ago. She said she saved her for last because she loves her the best and is a fan

Sayu must be in high-heaven right now having all these cute girls to stalk to play with who adores her back in turn :mikihead:

『Aimaina!』 second revival!! Sayu wil be returning as a regular there too :w00t: starting 1/16 on air 25:55 jst
http://ameblo.jp/sayumimichishige-blog/ ... 72833.html
Morning Musume will be in Girl Pop TV on January 12th
1/12(土) MUSIC ON! TV「GiRL POP TV」24:00~25:00
Sayu will appear as a guest on a music show called COOK音楽
1/19(土) MBS「COOK音楽」 (道重)25:43~25:58.テレビ
1/20(日)スペースシャワーTV「COOK音楽」 (道重)24:00~24:15.テレビ
1/21(月) スペースシャワーTV「COOK音楽」 (道重)※リピート8:45~9:00
Ayumin had a photoshoot for UTB 1/23 issue, according to her blog
http://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/ent ... 29529.html
It seems to be in a traditional japanese-style themed setting, looking forward to Ayumin in kimono :heart:
Sayu said on her blog today that she had a photoshoot and interview for JUNON magazine along with Fukuhime, Ayumin and Sakura. On sale 1/23
http://ameblo.jp/sayumimichishige-blog/ ... 66682.html
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby Celedam » Wed Dec 19, 2012 4:41 am

randompasserby wrote:『Aimaina!』 second revival!! Sayu wil be returning as a regular there too :w00t: starting 1/16 on air 25:55 jst
http://ameblo.jp/sayumimichishige-blog/ ... 72833.html

Woot! :w00t:


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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby SaebaRyo » Wed Dec 19, 2012 10:59 pm

S/mileage 2nd gen will be getting their own weekly (Sundays 25:00-25:15) radio program starting Jan 6.
http://twitter.com/ufw_okayasu/status/2 ... 1953474562
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby Amped » Thu Dec 20, 2012 3:24 am

SaebaRyo wrote:
randompasserby wrote:Reina will appear on a variety show called "Uwasa-kun and Kagaku-chan", broadcast date 1/3 6:05~6:50 pm
http://cgi2.nhk.or.jp/navi/detail/index ... 6720130103
It looks like its a pretty popular show and it aired on new year's holiday on prime time too. Nice

According to Reina Trainee's Hamachan and Natsumi will appear on the show as well.
http://ameblo.jp/tanakareina-blog/entry ... 35100.html

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