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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby zam_ho » Fri Dec 07, 2012 5:20 pm

^Go! Sayu Go Morning Musume! :heart:

Sayu for Prime Minister? XD She probably could rally the Japanese economy :P

I've heard all the party political leaders campaign promises/agendas and they clearly don't know what needs to be done :giggle:
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby Reina » Fri Dec 07, 2012 8:23 pm

Momochi's twintail hairstyle featured in the idol hairstyle section of Seventeen (January 2013 issue)

... they used the wrong model for the hairstyle :(
they should use the model they did for momoclo's shiori...
I miss Yanamin...
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby boinsie » Sat Dec 08, 2012 1:41 am

The Momochi twintails placement is all wrong, too. ^^;;;

But cool to see that she's big enough to want to emulate~
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby Rm88 » Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:10 am

This must make her happy since she said she wanted to popularize her "Momochi Twin Tails" style, even if it's all wrong in this case :lol:
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby randompasserby » Sat Dec 08, 2012 6:56 am

That looks like just a normal twintail Sayu would wear lol, not those upside down demonic-horn looking Momochi Musubi

Sayu will appear in Weekly Playboy next year's issue, also has a long interview
http://ameblo.jp/sayumimichishige-blog/ ... 05330.html
モーニング娘。リーダー道重さゆみちゃん、只今雑誌「週刊プレイボーイ」の取材中。今年を振り返りそして来年に向けての事、後輩の事、色々話してます。可愛い写真も撮って頂きましたよ☆ 来年の発売になりますので、またお知らせしますね。

Some more parts of the Top Yell interview with Sayu about Reina's graduation,
I can't find a pic of the corresponding page yet so this is just excerpts taken from 2ch, take it with a grain of salt

EDIT-- Found the interview pages, the parts I tried translating below are at the bottom of the first page and the second .... cmiiw as always :)
Spoiler: show

--From Michishige-san's point of view, how would you say Tanaka-san has changed during these 10 years?
Let's see. When she first joined she showed us her vulnerable side sometimes. She cried so much during Iida Kaori-san's graduation.
Basically, she's just putting up a strong front the whole time. Even towards Iida-san she was also pretty rebellious I thought "She's kidding, right?!" lol
It's understandable of course since she just joined, there are times when she's feeling vulnerable, down and depressed.
But since Takahashi Ai-chan becomes the leader she never showed us that vulnerable side again. She always looked strong. At that time I thought "Wow , Reina has become so strong", but thinking about it now it doesn't seem so anymore.
It's just that she doesn't have anyone she can afford to show it to, and there were no one to draw out that vulnerable side of her either.

--Tanaka-san has that "solitary genius" image around her right? She's so stoic and always professional
Indeed she does. But that too has changed, you know? During Ai-chan's leadership no one was able to understand that actually she wants to become more intimate with everyone or able to draw out her vulnerable side. But that has changed since 10th generation member, Sato Masaki, joined.

--The other day when I talked to 9ki and 10ki members, I was surprised to see how high their self-awareness are after Tanaka-san's graduation announcement. As leader, how do you perceive 9ki and 10ki's growth in the future?
This is just Sayumi's personal opinion but everyone's talking about "when Tanaka-san's gone.." way too much!! The reason is because I want everyone to treasure the time we have now with Reina still here!
(she seems to be moved to tears here) Aahhhh, I'm gonna cry!! It really annoys me lol
Of course, 910kkies desire to do their best makes me very happy and I'm looking forward to be able to rely on them. But we can think about that after Reina graduated.
Rather than saying "Tanaka-san is graduating so we have to do our best", I think its more important for everyone to learn all they can from Reina and because I think the time we have now with Reina is more important, I wanted her to enjoy being in a fun Morning Musume right until the time she graduates
It's great that they're thinking "We have to try our hardest for Tanaka-san's sake too" of course. I think it's wonderful.
But there are more important things right in front of you! Sometimes I even feel like saying "That's not it!" to them because they're looking too far ahead.
Reina has been in Morning Musume for 10 years, you know? Letting her head towards the graduation ceremony with a great feeling and spending the time we have left until her graduation preciously is more important.

---There's only half a year left to learn from Tanaka-san after all...
Precisely, that's why I want everyone to learn all they can now from Reina and lets make the best possible environment for her to graduate in. That's what we have to do right now.
For everyone's sake and for Reina's sake too, while it's important to keep focusing on doing your best, I'll be very happy if you'd think about Reina's situation just a bit more

Sayuuuuuuuuu~ :heart:
6th gen love ...
This is why I always read Sayu's interviews lol. Not only she herself is awesome, she also gives us a pretty good insight about other members and the group as a whole. Her net patrols (if she still does that) seems to be paying off too, she usually knows enough about the trends of opinions over at 2ch and responds to it if she can. In this case, the hundreds of threads discussing future momusu after Reina (and herself, those goddamn heretics :burns: ) graduates.

Here's a magazine pic to wrap things up, most likely from KERA


All hail the Holy Gothic Queen Sayu :notworthy: :inlove:
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby kyuu » Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:26 am

Sayu is so precious, I'm speechless
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby Zunu » Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:58 am

I love that Sayu feels comfortable enough about herself that she can give these kinds of sincere, contemplative interviews where she dispenses entirely with her ichiban kawaii personality and just speaks from the heart. And what a lovely heart it is.
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby Chibs » Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:43 am

Image Image
not sure if these were posted
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby Zunu » Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:18 am

clicketyclicketyclickclickclicketyclick ENLARGE DAMMIT!!!!! :crazy:

Last edited by Zunu on Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Clic on Yurina pic. SCROLLscrollSCROLLscrollSCROLLscrollSCROLL...!!!
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby boinsie » Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:30 am

Is that Yurina? She looks... off. >_>

Anyway, here's the first one larger...

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