^ i stopped after Uchouten LOVE and i was honestly able to believe that was still current S/mileage (for only like 2 seconds before the truth sank back in ).
found this randomly..
just reminds me how much i love Eri.
it's nothing in particular she said, so i'm not gonna go into partial translations, but what strikes me most about this video is that it shows her how she is, and how her personality was never a "character" like some of the girls do (and of course, that it's with Tsunku).
also, with GakiKame..
this is why i always loved FIVE STARS GakiKame episodes.
she's engaging, charming, sweet, natural, animated and a little silly. i never understood why people would label her as boring.. i guess it must have been because during group interviews she wasn't one who would put herself out there. whenever she was called on/asked a question she did well, but she never would interject on an ongoing conversation like, say, Sayu or JunJun.