Konusapi 12.11.19
Sayu has been getting along with the high school girls a lot better since the world handshake tour, especially with Iikubo. She's the first member who exchanges silly everyday stuff emails with her since Eri. Iikubo's over-zealous flatteries can be a little off putting sometimes but Sayu thinks it's great how Iikubo can have casual conversations with Sayu and sends meaningless mails like she has nothing better to do without crossing the Senpai-Kouhai line (with Keigo and all)
I love that Sayu seems to be methodically converting her kouhais into adoring fangirls of herself

. Fukuhime, Harunan, Ayumin, Zukki, Rihoriho, check. Sakura is still an unknown. Kudou and Maachan is firmly on Tanaka's camp atm but it'll be interesting to see how they interact with Sayu after Reina graduates.
Ikuta seems to be immune, however