Idol Pop station radio show - Riho, Kudo, Sakura
Moderator: Moh
narz wrote: ...
staff tweets
after the taping, the producer of Pussuma called and asked if Morning Musume was ok after eating all that spicy food, because Yusuke was worried about them.
アップフロントきくかわ @kikukawapro
「皆さん辛いの食べて大丈夫ですか?ユースケさんが心配してまして…。」 #morningmusume
「ぷっすま」裏話2。生田は「コラボレーション~。」2回発動!しかしながらOAされず…。 #morningmusume
Eripon Collaboration footage on Pussuma TBA
AyuHikaru wrote:I give Riho credit for tanking those spicy noodles.
randompasserby wrote:Sayashi ate 103 bowls of wanko soba . It's a tiny tiny bowl with barely a mouthful of noodles in it but still Sayu said with only 46 it's already on the big side for the store so...
what ... the ...
The rest are Niigaki 51 Kudou 70 Ikuta 95 Sayu 46 Sato 77 Reina 9 (!?) Zukki 55 Iikubo 88 Mitsui 56 Fukuhime 70 Ishida 82
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