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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby Chibs » Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:31 pm

yeah they are superior to fairies, so Momusu should bring their A game, but don't they always xD
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby DSQueenie » Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:36 pm

I always liked Fairies better than Super Girls, but that's just me. Musically Fairies are better even if they are a bit young for their sound and Super Girls always came off as a bit AKB48-lite and I already like AKB48 so...

But Super Girls are much better at variety than Fairies so this will be a fairer battle than last time. Morning Musume are still better though (if going by their resent TV performances) and MM have a much better and more interesting range of personalities imo.

I can't believe some of you guys can't remember SG though, don't you remember that time a SG's superfan came and trolled the comments of the Kono Chikyu/Kare Issho MV?
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby zam_ho » Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:41 pm

iceymoon wrote:@ randompasserby
321BreakinOut wrote:No..I mean they're faces o_o
Moh wrote:They are faces, yes. :lol:

he meant to say "their", that's what she meant. :lol:

back to the topic, for BLT covers they're not bad. usually they look more chaotic than this. their faces look okay depending on which girl on which cover you're looking at, though not all of them are good lol.

Pictures don't lie, thats how the saying goes right :innocent:

And its true on this covers. Riho, Fuku-hime, Reina, Sayu... they are all looking like their usual pretty selves to me :)


Momusu on Pussuma.
I knew it would happened after how Yusuke-san was raving about his new found fandom :)

The only plus point about SuperGirls is that I really like their outfit this time. I sae their performance on MJ and it was really forgettable :zzz: And none of the girls stand out and grab your attention like Riho and Ishida does.
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby Daisuki Daiiyo » Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:28 pm

[MOD EDIT: DD's not crazy(-ier), she's referring here to a comment which was subsequently deleted due to inappropriate language.)

Lol I'm not a Super*Girls fan myself, but the derogatory and sexist remarks are unnecessary.

And we love MM, but the fact is they still have a ways to climb back up before they're top tier idols again. So for the time being, they're going to be paired with groups like Super Girls, Fairies, Passpo, etc.
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby otaku_blue » Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:32 pm

Still hate them and they literally became more famous by wearing less for singles.
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby Starra » Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:39 pm

Calm down.
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby Parhelion69 » Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:39 pm

super girls' music is forgettable, and I hardly find their girls attractive tbh.
They're not about performing at all, they're more in the akb, wota-fodder, fan-service line, so it's easy for them to have gained some popularity, bikini PVs and such.

But they are better at variety than fairies as mentioned, and they have challenged momosu a couple times in the past (and lost), so they'll want revenge. It won't be an easy fight for MM, but I think they'll manage :D
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby Starra » Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:48 pm

I get sick of people who think idols wearing bikinis in PVs. I dunno about any of the other females here, but I could never do that. I don't have enough self-confidence to wear a bikini. Even when I was younger, I always wore one-pieces. Granted, it's not like I went to the beach/pool regularly, but still.

I admire idols who are brave enough to flaunt their bodies. It probably takes a good deal of courage. I don't blame the girls who don't want to do PBs, or the ones who wear less revealing swimsuits (Zukki, for example).

I dunno. Wearing a bikini in a beach PV isn't... wrong or slutty or whatever. So long as there aren't any gratuitous ass close-ups, I'm fine with it. The S☆G ones are pretty cute.

Then again, I enjoyed AKB's Heavy Rotation PV, so my opinion probably doesn't matter :mikihead: .
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby randompasserby » Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:14 am

Starra wrote:I dunno. Wearing a bikini in a beach PV isn't... wrong or slutty or whatever. So long as there aren't any gratuitous ass close-ups, I'm fine with it. The S☆G ones are pretty cute.

I agree. Still don't like it when they do that though, and i hope MM never resorts to that for their main releases (i don't really remember where genki pika2 beach pv thing is from ... alo hello?). It's just a matter of personal preferences and boundaries for me

Actually i'm looking forward to the show even more now with Super Girls there alongside MM. They'd make good foil for our girls and if MM managed to stand out against their counterparts, i sincerely hope they would, it'll make their appearing in the show all the more impressive/memorable :D
Last edited by randompasserby on Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies

Postby DSQueenie » Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:47 am

Starra wrote:I dunno. Wearing a bikini in a beach PV isn't... wrong or slutty or whatever. So long as there aren't any gratuitous ass close-ups, I'm fine with it. The S☆G ones are pretty cute.

For me it's all about connotations. For example I love the Heavy Rotation PV the colours are cute, the sets are beautiful and costumes are really well made. However lingerie is a world away from bikini's even if they can end up covering more skin. Usually girls wear lingerie for one reason wear as swimming and sun bathing are really the only things most people would think of when they thought bikini and the are fairly appropriate activity's for younger idols. That said when it comes to older idols (18+) if they choose to wear "revealing" clothing that's up to them and we shouldn't judge them for it.

Plus it's not like H!P can get all high and mighty when it comes to bikini's since they wear them in photo books all the time, and if I remember rightly the girls choose there own swimwear for the Hawaii tours.
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