[7/04] Morning Musume 50th: One・Two・Three/ The Matenrou Show

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Re: [7/04] Morning Musume 50th: One・Two・Three/ The Matenrou

Postby Jessi » Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:00 am

Yeah I don't get it either. Too young to be on a pachinko machine sure, but on a DVD? They aren't stripteasing they are just sitting on couches singing. I'm betting Tsunku is trying to get people to play on the machines and in a few months after its already leaked on the Internet via fan recordings it will be on YouTube an on a DVD somewhere.
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Re: [7/04] Morning Musume 50th: One・Two・Three/ The Matenrou

Postby DARC1993 » Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:27 pm

Stumbled upon this review of One・Two・Three.
I guess he use to be a fan but then all his fav. Left and stuff
It's mostly cristisim so if you are gonna get offended don't watch.
It was funny to me though. It's never bad watching options on something you love.
Poor Haruna gets picked on XD
Anyways One・Two・Three is still amazing and was handcrafted by god.
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Re: [7/04] Morning Musume 50th: One・Two・Three/ The Matenrou

Postby lynnkung » Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:35 pm

^ it's not brown, it's chocolate :p
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Re: [7/04] Morning Musume 50th: One・Two・Three/ The Matenrou

Postby DARC1993 » Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:51 pm

It's not chocolate, it's honey. Lol
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Re: [7/04] Morning Musume 50th: One・Two・Three/ The Matenrou

Postby questorminator » Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:01 pm

Maybe they can release that version as a bonus content in a DVD since this is just an alternate version of the song anyway.

The only other thing I can think of that will make UFA release this version is if there is a widespread clamor from the wotas for it.
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Re: [7/04] Morning Musume 50th: One・Two・Three/ The Matenrou

Postby AyuHikaru » Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:03 pm

He hates the part of the dance that aren't even bad (Can we talk about that stupid ass hop that forced everyone to change position... while hopping or how stupid the instrumental break choreography is?) I would have arguments with that dude about the choreography XD

Obligatory: Haruna tries her best okay? Leave my BBY alone ; ;

EDIT: His responses in the comments are pppppppfffftt. He actually said none of the girls have personality, and they all bug him, then went on to say he doesn't follow them anymore. How does he know if they bug him and they have no personality is he DOESN'T ACTIVELY FOLLOW THEM ANYMORE? I hate that logic. Obviously the older girls are better because that's when you followed them so they you paid attention to them more. Hurf durf.
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Re: [7/04] Morning Musume 50th: One・Two・Three/ The Matenrou

Postby questorminator » Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:38 pm

Well, you know, sometimes I wonder why someone would make a review of a song/PV by a group he insists he no longer follows? And it's not just this guy. There are many former fans who do this. I mean, I no longer follow Girls Generation for personal reasons but I don't "review" their songs because I know I would be extremely biased.

At least he took the time to listen to the song. I'll thank him for that even if he didn't like it.

Anyway, regardless of the criticisms by former and current fans about the choreography, the line distribution, or the lack of awesomeness of the current line-up, the song still produced tangible and undeniably great results.
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Re: [7/04] Morning Musume 50th: One・Two・Three/ The Matenrou

Postby Jessi » Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:35 am

So not going to watch that video and get myself angry for no reason. That would not be beneficial to me in any way XD
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Re: [7/04] Morning Musume 50th: One・Two・Three/ The Matenrou

Postby questorminator » Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:54 am

I agree. Remember that video where a guy called Riho "Ri-whore"? I blame that for elevating my blood pressure forcing me to call in sick. Thankfully I didn't join in the fray (which was getting really nasty) or I might have had a heart attack.

At the end of the day, it's just one guy ranting who just happened to choose a wrong word to describe a then 13-year old girl. It didn't hurt the girl's popularity among Japanese fans neither did it endear her to non-Japanese fans.

And why do I always talk like I'm an old guy? I'm just 29 for Chrissakes.... :mikihead:
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Re: [7/04] Morning Musume 50th: One・Two・Three/ The Matenrou

Postby rikkikow » Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:37 am

The record sales showed that dude to be a ~ hmmmm ~ a what? :whistling:
He sure picked the wrong song to show off his knowledge and his wisdom! XD
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