7th Station ~TV, movies, games~

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Re: 7th Station ~TV, movies, games~

Postby Zunu » Sun Feb 24, 2019 4:07 pm

What do Blade Runner and Dune have in common beside Villeneuve? The actress Sean Young, who encapsulated essentially everything good about 1980s sf cinema outside of the Star Wars universe. :heart: Anyway, I 100% agree with that Blade Runner 2049 assessment. It was a true masterpiece in a way that the first one wasn't. That is, the first one was a great film, groundbreaking, unforgettable, and hugely influential but studio interference corrupted its auteurial purity. Villeneuve was given free rein to pursue his vision and it shows in every frame, in the clockwork precision of the story and the psychological themes present throughout. The first film also had echoes of a 1970's approach to sound editing (long stretches of near silence and low key dialogue punctuated with an intrusive soundtrack) which post Star Wars sounds oddly anachronistic. I like the way the sequel subtly embraces that aesthetic while also bringing it into the 21st century.

For whatever reason, that synth-heavy 80's sf stuff makes me think of the old MTV cartoon AEon Flux (NSFW-ish).

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Re: 7th Station ~TV, movies, games~

Postby Celedam » Tue Feb 26, 2019 6:33 am

Hey look, Archer: Danger Island finally arrived on Hulu. I know what I'm watching this week!

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Re: 7th Station ~TV, movies, games~

Postby Celedam » Fri Mar 01, 2019 3:08 am

Previously, regarding The Gifted


Well, Season 2 is now done. It was not good, and I don't think I will be back for Season 3. If there is a Season 3, of course — even a Season 3 that goes in the direction of X-Men: Days of Future Past, as was implied by this season's cliffhanger.

On the other hand, I enjoyed Archer: Danger Island. Some critics have complained that the changes in the characters' roles and relationships ('cuz it's all just a coma dream) have also changed who are the stars of the show, but I personally don't have a problem with that. In this season, there was less of Lana while there was more of Pam, and that's fine with me. Pam always was a better sidekick/foil/friend for Archer, and I think Archer himself is realizing that as he dreams.
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Re: 7th Station ~TV, movies, games~

Postby Zunu » Fri Mar 01, 2019 12:28 pm

I think the role changes are fairly genius. It gets to the heart of what we like about characters...the settings and situations can be entirely fungible as long as they allow for the essential selfishness and obnoxiousness to remain constant.
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Re: 7th Station ~TV, movies, games~

Postby Celedam » Mon Mar 04, 2019 9:44 am

I started watching Luther because it expires off of Netflix in a month. I like Idris Elba, which is why I added the series to my watchlist, but the first couple episodes are pretty mediocre. So, does the series get better? Or should I stop now and move on to something else?

Spoiler: show
For example, finding the gun barrel in the funerary urn with the dog's ashes, because the murderer hid the murder weapon in the dog's corpse specifically to have it destroyed. I'm sorry, but no. Whoever cremated the dog would have found it immediately, changing the line of investigation and preventing the story from going in the direction that it did. It's a ludicrous plot twist just for the sake of being a plot twist, as is often the case with these psychological thrillers that feature tortured geniuses with relationship problems. (Mmm, trope-y!)
Last edited by Celedam on Mon Mar 04, 2019 11:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Able was I ere I saw Elba's mediocre show

Postby Zunu » Mon Mar 04, 2019 11:10 am

I saw Luther a couple of years ago, and while I didn't regret watching it, I can't say it made a lasting impression on me, either. I couldn't even go into specifics; the memory banks have already been wiped. I've noticed that is a pattern for me lately with a number of highly touted British shows. I find that they are often filled with twists and "dun-duun" moments that don't seem very twisty, shocking or original to me. The plot in these shows often moves along due to people making an improbably stupid series of judgments, such as suddenly mistrusting the hero on the flimsiest of contrived circumstantial evidence. Take the detective/police procedurals. As a matter of practicality, prosecutors need police cooperation to solve their cases and for that reason alone are willing to overlook a certain amount of shadiness for the sake of the overarching goal of keeping the streets safe, therefore police are generally given the benefit of the doubt unless evidence against them is overwhelming and unimpeachable. So when you get these plotlines where a super-obviously bad guy manages to turn everyone against the lifelong decorated officer or detective/investigator, it doesn't work. The writers have to force the hero's best friends and trusted allies to abandon him and so on. I can accept that silliness on an actually silly show like CW's The Flash but on a Very Serious British Production, it takes me out of my suspension of disbelief. I'm including Sherlock in this sin.

In general it seems to me that Britain hasn't been keeping up so well with the new golden age of television (as the contemporary era ushered in by the Sopranos and the Wire has been called) at least not with dramatic productions. Even Dr Who which was outstanding for the first few modern series, has gotten weaker and more derivative with every passing year. It's become almost comical when, as the episode draws to a climax, they play that adrenaline-pumping music that indicates the Doctor piecing together the boring super-obvious solution to the "exciting" "mystery" of the week. Britain has little imo to compare with outstandingly well-crafted dramas like The Expanse, The Leftovers, Atlanta, Stranger Things, Mr. Robot, etc. I suppose Downton Abbey was can't-miss for a couple of seasons but it started to lose the thread after that, and there have been some underrated gems like Humans. But overall, I'm more impressed by the UK's cheerfully misanthropic comedic efforts: Fleabag, Peep Show, Chewing Gum. I'll include Misfits here since what made it great was the humor (why isn't Joe Gilgun way more famous??)

Also full disclosure while I also like Elba, I invariably find Indira Varma very irritating. That didn't help.
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Re: 7th Station ~TV, movies, games~

Postby Celedam » Mon Mar 04, 2019 11:16 am

Once again we are in complete agreement. Thanks.

As for what to move on to, I was thinking The Expanse since Amazon Prime recently picked up Season 3. But offline I'm currently reading The Player of Games, the second book in Iain M. Banks' Culture series, so my space opera needs are already covered.

I was also thinking The Magicians, but it's a little too soon for something like after the disappointment of The Gifted.

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Re: 7th Station ~TV, movies, games~

Postby Celedam » Tue Mar 05, 2019 5:55 am

Hey, remember how I used to talk about Critical Role, where a bunch of nerdy-ass voice actors sit around and play Dungeons & Dragons?



EDIT: It's now all over the financial and entertainment news sites for breaking a bunch of Kickstarter records. It passed $3 million — four times its goal — within the first eight hours.
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Re: 7th Station ~TV, movies, games~

Postby Zunu » Tue Mar 05, 2019 1:38 pm

Celedam wrote:Once again we are in complete agreement. Thanks.

As for what to move on to, I was thinking The Expanse since Amazon Prime recently picked up Season 3. But offline I'm currently reading The Player of Games, the second book in Iain M. Banks' Culture series, so my space opera needs are already covered.

I just read Consider Phlebas (first book) a few months back. It was well written I guess, but I still considered it a little bit of a slog, probably in the first instance because like a lot of people it's become hard for me to read full books any more. But also because, while I'm sure it was a rollicking space adventure in its time, with super-advanced tech and singularity-level AI that still plays as hard science, those themes been reused/ripped-off so many times in the years since then that it (unfairly) seems ho-hum in 2019. And also because, while I can appreciate the intellectual accomplishment of getting the details of things like orbital mechanics, microgravity, etc precisely right, in actuality I'm not checking the math, and just care that they sound kind of convincing, so I find myself kind of guiltily speeding over those passages instead of savoring them with any of the degree of attention the author put into them. And finally

Spoiler: show
...I felt that I had to work to like Horza, who is let's face it an asshole, and eventually I did, but then he dies at the end in a way that felt unsatisfying to me, from a space operatic perspective. I get it as literature. Banks was considered a "serious" writer and one of the things that "serious" writers don't do is keep characters alive for mawkish or sentimental reasons, but in this case his death seemed particuarly tacked on.

I was also thinking The Magicians, but it's a little too soon for something like after the disappointment of The Gifted.

I like the Magicians, at least well enough to keep watching it. I don't think I'd recommend it though, at least, doesn't seem like what I'd imagine you'd like. The main actors are attractive and act well but they play somewhat unpleasant roles. The lead character (Quentin) is a mopey whiner who constantly feels sorry for himself, one of the lead women (Margo) is so sassy all [clap] the [clap] time [clap] that it was a super-turnoff for about a season and a half until I finally came to appreciate the skill of the actress, another main woman (Alice) is first positioned as angelic but has an outlandishly selfish and self-serving turn that makes her so unpleasant from then on. They're almost anime level caricatures of human beings. I find the actress who portrays Julia (Stella Maeve) madly attractive, that's about 60% of the reason I watch the show, although I may have mentioned previously that I was initially expecting her to have a posh English accent and was momentarily disappointed by it being more South Jersey.

Speaking of magic, I recently followed Joanna (Cast of Kings and Storm of Spoilers podcasts) Robinson's suggestion of watching A Discovery of Witches which is available on Shudder/VRV and Sundance Now! and is apparently a colossal hit in the UK. It was...okay...but again underwhelming to me for much the same reasons I mentioned previously about recent British fare. But also, the lead guy is meant to be broodingly sexy and maybe I'm not the best judge of that but I didn't see it at all. He seemed perhaps the least charismatic male actor on the entire show. The leading lady has very beautiful blue eyes but is otherwise a bland knockoff brand Anna Torv. The plot twists were contrived and marred by some glaringly bad dialogue. What got me was that Joanna Robinson gushed over the show in comparison with The Umbrella Academy, which she found uninspired, yet to me after a couple of episodes, I rate Umbella far higher than Discovery. I simply can't trust her judgment going forward.

Here's something I can unabashedly recommend if you haven't seen it: Future Man, on Hulu. The first season is ridiculously funny -- Geek's Guide cannily compared it to Back to the Future crossed with There's Something About Mary. The second one is much inferior but still better than any of the other TV shows I've mentioned thus far within this post. (And of course I continue to recommend The Expanse. The orbital mechanics are just as on-point, but I can lazily watch them instead of having to visualize all that "east takes you out" shit while I'm reading.)
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Re: 7th Station ~TV, movies, games~

Postby Celedam » Tue Mar 05, 2019 3:14 pm

^ People I trust have said that Consider Phlebas is one of the worst books in the Culture series, and that later books are better. People have also said Consider Phlebas was meant to be difficult to get through, as hinted at by the title which is a reference to T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land. Nevertheless, the whirlwind-tour-through-the-galaxy format serves as a good introduction to the Culture.

It's too early for me to make a judgement about The Player of Games.

As for orbital mechanics: I forget, did you read Seveneves?
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