Celedam wrote:AyuHikaru wrote:That's just uncalled for.
Well gee, I don't appreciate being called "cheap" and "heavy-handed" when I'm talking about something I feel strongly about. I'm funny that way.
Stop trolling, nobody was calling you anything. I don't need to personally insult you simply disagree with you. On the other hand, you've done that on a number of occasions, not just with me, but with others as well. It comes off sometimes as if you think you're at war with people's whose opinions don't jibe with yours. YMMV, but what we talk about here is not really serious business, bro. I can't always help myself, but as I've said before, I try my best not to get overly worked up about discussions that take place on the internet with people I've never met and likely never will.
Celedam wrote:If we're going to play "Who Said the Naughty Word First?", then maybe you need to look up the meaning of "gmafb". Hiding it in stupid Internet slang doesn't make it any less vulgar.
Besides, I know he wasn't just talking about my language. There is history here.
I was responding to that specific post, not to your entire ouevre, or past email exchanges or whatever it is you're referring to. And gmafb, or "
GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK," spelled out so as to quash this pretense that I was attempting to "hide" my meaning, is just an interjection, not an insult cast at the other party.
Compiling a list about me? I hope you have better things to do with your time. At least "she's hot" is something of an alibi for those hopeless wota who are still collecting Yuuka pics. And um, obviously I believe situational ethics to be morally proper. Knowing that, which you do, for you to spit the term out like an insult is a bit like being a tree noisly falling in a deserted forest. I suppose though,
if you are a moral absolutist
then it doesn't matter what the circumstances are; you have to "rage, rage against the dying of the light" regardless.
In regards to that, what I think you may be missing, possibly not, but maybe, is that (at least from my perspective) the damage, such that it is, is already done, and past our ability to mitigate in a way that does good to Yuuka. It serves naught for me to fly into a condemnation of wota misdeeds, because I'm not changing anything from the comfort of my office chair. It's just, as my gf unpleasantly likes to say, a form of "mental masturbation" at that point. So even if I were to concede your point totally, so what? What have I accomplished? Until I'm prepared to actually DO something about it other than exchange words, that is.
So if the end goal is to actually take action, but the beefing about it is stage one in the long-range plan, then fine, it's perfectly laudable to get all het up about it. We all do that, talk ourselves into finally approaching the neighbor about their poop-everwhere dog, or approaching our co-worker about bathing more often. (Or vice-versa.) But I already know, no matter what I say in this conversation, I'm not about to do anything that would have even the slightest effect on wota in Japan. That doesn't mean I have no opinion at all. Sure, AS I ALREADY SAID, it is somewhat creepy. But
for me personally, it would just be spitting in the wind to get on a soapbox about it and brook no challenge to my position.