BEYOOOOONDS no Nobishiro "BEYOOOOONDS Revelation" #25, Ima nanji
The highlight of this episode was a riddle game MC'ed by Takase off-camera, with Miyo, Uutan and Miimi as contestants.
Here are the questions, and I'll put the answers in spoilers so you can try to guess if you want. But for the most part, the answers require some understanding of Japanese because they're mostly based on plays on words.
1) 割っても割っても壊れないもの、なーに?
What is something that won't break apart no matter how much you divide it?
2) 焼いても焼いても食べられないパンは?
What bread ("pan" in Japanese) won't you eat no matter how much you fry it?
3) ひもに絡まって遊ぶ鳥って、どんな鳥?
What kind of "cat" plays by getting entangled in string?
[Note the animal they use in the riddle is actually "bird" but the riddle won't make sense in English]
What people end up completely turning around even when they're walking in a straight line?
What do you always drop when taking a curve while driving your car?
There's an animal in the fridge. What kind of animal?
A turtle, a camel, and a rhinoceros are shopping. What might they be buying?
8 )世界の真ん中にいる虫は何?
What bugs are in the middle of the world?
Papa Frog goes "Kero kero kero." Mama Frog goes "Kero kero." How do you suppose their child goes?
Ima, nan ji? [?]
Note: If there is more than one answer to a question, only the final answer is correct.
平井Miyo:空気 (Atmosphere)
里吉Utano:割り算 (Division [mathematical])
岡村Minami:フライパン (A frying "pan")
里吉Utano:あやとり (Cat's cradle / string figure)
岡村Minami:来る人 (People who are coming this way)
里吉Utano:お巡りさん (Police Officers. [In Japanese, officers are called O-Mawari-san, meaning "Honorable-Patrol-Person," but mawaru the verb also means to turn around])
平井Miyo:スピード (Speed)
里吉Utano:ゾウ (An elephant [Because refrigerator is rei-ZOU-ko and elephant is ZOU.)
岡村Minami:カメラ (A camera [The three animals in Japanese are called "kame," "rakuda," and "sai". Put them all together and you get kame-rakuda-sai, or "camera please!"])
8 )
岡村Minami:か (Mosquitoes [This is the same kind of joke as the elephant/fridge joke. In Japanese the word for mosquito is 蚊 which is pronounced ka. And the word for world is 世界, pronounced sekai. So "ka" is the middle mora of se-ka-i])
岡村Minami: ケロ (Kero)
里吉Utano: 泣かない (It doesn't make a noise [Because it's a tadpole.] )
岡村Minami: 一大事 (A big deal)
平井Miyo: 二文字 (Two characters [This was a trick question. The question was "Ima, nan ji" which usually means 今、何時? or "what time is it now?" but could also conceivably mean "The word 'ima,' how many characters does it have?"