すっちゃかめっちゃか~This is really great, seems to be this album's main song and I love it. Hope the PVs are good! I legit think it'd have been a better single than Asian Generation.
男前Doesn't sound bad at all, definitely an improvement over similar songs in previous albums like Shy Boy and Joshikai The Nigh which were pretty terrible in my opinion. Both Momo and Yurina sound great. I like it.
なんだかんだで良い感じ!I think this is going to end up being my favorite song in the album. Fun, catchy, Berryz-ish, not as downright rock-ish as Yo no Naka Barairo or Icchoume Rock! but still very good sounding. I love it. Maasa and Chinami sound so good in this
恋 いとしき季節I don't understand this song. It's okay, I guess.
まっすぐな私The ballad, sounds good, but nothing too remarkable.
あなたなしでは生きてゆけない (2013)Yes, this is great.