I disagree about Kanashiki Koi no Melody being aside material. In general I found Pyoko Pyoko a weak single(even though I have to admit Pyokox2 has grown on me) but for me Watashi no Jidai is pretty freaking amazing.
i don't do rankings often but...
Favorite MM. Members (Omitting Sakura because Help Me! hasn't been officially released yet and therefore I don't think it's fair to judge Sakura before she has officially debuted).
1) RihoRiho- Ace through and through. Ace ace ace ace. ACE.
2) Sayumi- She might not have the college education of Konkon but I think Sayu might easily be one of the most street smart members that MM. has ever had. Sayu's an amazing personality on variety shows and her singing has leveled off but I think the best part is when she answers interviews and she gives these responses that shows that she thoroughly thinks things through.
3) Mizupon- Future lead. At least for a single single. She's also breaking out of her shell which I adore. Turning into a real stunner and I can't wait for Leader Mizuki.
4) Eripon- Love the PonPon combo (though its been downplayed recently), the President of the Niigaki Fanclub gig (this act doesn't even really need Risa, she just serves as a figurehead), KY Character, it's all working really well for her. She's stated that her resolution is to become a better singer and I hope it's true so that she gets more lines and more screen time.
5) Maa-chan- I haven't decided if she's a legit airhead or if she's playing up a character (I'm leaning towards the former because i think it's less likely that a young girl has thought out a character yet) but it's working wonders within MM. and H!P. She's an airhead enough that she oversteps the senpai/kouhai relationship that I think the Platinum Era may have conformed too a little too much but does it in a way where it doesn't seem disrespectful (in the way that I'm assuming Kago/Tsuji were/were portrayed).
6) Harunan- I initially thought she got in purely for pretty background fodder but she's turning out to have a real personality on her. Still the weakest talent but she's showing value through her hilarity.
7) Kudou- I don't like her much but I can't deny that she and Maa-chan are 10ki's PonPon's. Maa-chan's airheaded-ness wouldn't nearly be as good without it being juxtaposed with Kudou.
Zukki- I want her to be higher. But she's fizzled a little for me. I hope she gets passionate again soon. I want comedian-Kanon back. And I want her back soon.
9) Reina- I can't deny the integral part of Reina and it'll be a damn shame when she leaves but she isn't really offering anything "new". Hopefully her band gives us something new that'll make me intrigued with Reina once more.
10) Ayumin- Girl's kinda boring. In recent shots I'm starting to see the gorgeous-ness about her but that's about it. She's a great dancer but is in Riho's shadow (no fault of her own, more like Tsoonk's). There was potential for her to be a next lead/sublead because of her superior dancing (she did get paired with Riho for Crazy About You, and getting paired with the current ace is always a good thing) BUT Sakura came along and got paired with Riho for a b-side which is better since it's on a single and not just a concert performance so... Plus, her personality is overshadowed by everyone else in her gen (plus both of 6th gen and most of 9kis).
Footnote: Once Sakura officially debuts I expect her to be somewhere in the middle. Clips of her having a personality are already showing through and she's already an ace so...