Chibs wrote:I think it is ridiculous that you don't want her to join cause she looks similar to two akb members, I don't think that should be the selling point. Does it mean any girl that looks like an akb member is automatically out regardless of what she brings to the table?
Oh, if she actually passed I'm perfectly okay with her joining. I trust H!P's audition process enough and in the end we're just spectators after all.
It's just... the prospect of mucking through all the guaranteed shit-slinging afterwards in the wild, untamed internet is not one I look forward to, no matter how much I brace myself for it

Thank god for this place ^^
Huh, I know Kanon's profile vid got a nice boost when an article about her was trending there but seeing concrete numbers of the actual spike is very interesting.
Thx for that, now let's see how far it'll take her...