by otaku_blue » Sat Aug 02, 2014 7:02 pm
This explains a lot.
I feel like they were planning this for a while UFA.
It really feels like that while HP was stepping up their game collectively, since Berryz were lagging up until recently that they've decided to graduate.
I'm not sad, but I'm just shocked that its actually happening. I kinda wanted them to stay a bit longer since we need more stable performers, and seniors to help a bunch of new girls coming in.
I reckon that this is why they were harsh on S/mileage a while back, just because the reality is that S/mileage would be the 3rd most senior group in HP. Also explains why they're going out buying billboards in Shibuya for J=J and not Berryz.
However, I really wish they didn't allow for the girls to run their mouth on "Morning Musume being the favoured group" especially in anticipation of this it just leaves an awkward feeling, even if it was just a joke.
I hope we get another kenshuusei unit soon though comprised of good performers who are vocally talented to compensate for Risako and Miyabi.
Career wise, I have no idea what they're going to do, but who knows "Berryz' Not Dead!".
Berryz being the oldest group graduating would save the company a bit of money.