Mitsui Aika to graduate from Morning Musume。on 5/18

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Re: Mitsui Aika to graduate from Morning Musume。on 5/18

Postby DARC1993 » Fri May 04, 2012 6:55 pm

Goes and listens to Egao YES Nude with all that Aika and Gaki vocals....
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Re: Mitsui Aika to graduate from Morning Musume。on 5/18

Postby Amped » Fri May 04, 2012 6:56 pm

DARC1993 wrote:^
does Aika get the award for most short noticed grad?

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Re: Mitsui Aika to graduate from Morning Musume。on 5/18

Postby Amped » Fri May 04, 2012 6:56 pm

DARC1993 wrote:^
That makes me even more mad about UFA keeping her in H!P still :/
Why keep her If she won't be able to do more.
Just end it quick.

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Re: Mitsui Aika to graduate from Morning Musume。on 5/18

Postby Celedam » Fri May 04, 2012 6:59 pm

narz wrote:
DARC1993 wrote:does Aika get the award for most short noticed grad?


Mari and Miki don't count.
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Re: Mitsui Aika to graduate from Morning Musume。on 5/18

Postby Amped » Fri May 04, 2012 7:04 pm

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Re: Mitsui Aika to graduate from Morning Musume。on 5/18

Postby iceymoon » Fri May 04, 2012 7:08 pm

i guess we only have the question marks of Asuka, Sayaka & Ayappe. i don't know enough information about any of them to know how much notice they gave before they graduated, and whether they even got graduations (i know Asuka did, not sure about the others).
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Re: Mitsui Aika to graduate from Morning Musume。on 5/18

Postby iceymoon » Fri May 04, 2012 7:11 pm

translation from Hello! Fandom @ Facebook

Aika's statement:
Katie Louise wrote:Thank you for always supporting me.
But at this time I, Mitsui Aika, have decided to graduate from Morning Musume. Last May, I felt a lot of discomfort in my foot. There have been various attempts to help me improve my problem, but I have been diagnosed with an 'abnormal' bone disorder. Because of this, I'm closing full activities as a Morning Musume member so that I may rest. Recently, I've been feeling more grateful for being able to participate in Morning Musume and have been looking forward to participating in a range of activties. However, I went to get diagnosed on April 23rd. Although they said "You bone doesn't show any signs of abnormality. So it won't be problem during everyday life activities", they also said "however, if you continue with strenuous exercise, this could potentially happen again".

I thought maybe I'd be at 100% one day as a Momusu member, but the diagnosis said there is a risk of recurrence. I spoke with my mother about the consultation and my future. You need to put your health first, and not worry about the members, staff or fans. So, I wish to graduate. As it's because of my body, I should graduate soon.

Tsunku and the staff agreed that the best time to graduate would be during the spring tour since the last performance on May 18th is at Budokan. I know it is sudden. I want to apologize to the members and the fans and hope they understand.

I'm sorry to the fans who hoped that I would be able to dance in full. So until the end of the Budokan performance, I will do my best. So until the last show, thank you for your support.

After Morning musume, I will consult with the staff and Tsunku about what kind of activities I can do within Hello Project.

(haven't seen a translation by this person before, so i'm not sure how accurate it is.)
Last edited by iceymoon on Fri May 04, 2012 7:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mitsui Aika to graduate from Morning Musume。on 5/18

Postby Starra » Fri May 04, 2012 7:13 pm

I hope she does guest appearances at concerts at things. Like... as an MC or something.
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Re: Mitsui Aika to graduate from Morning Musume。on 5/18

Postby Celedam » Fri May 04, 2012 7:24 pm

iceymoon wrote:i guess we only have the question marks of Asuka, Sayaka & Ayappe. i don't know enough information about any of them to know how much notice they gave before they graduated, and whether they even got graduations (i know Asuka did, not sure about the others).

I'm pretty sure they all had proper graduations. I've seen Asuka's and Sayaka's, and I've read reports of Ayappe's. And even though they were on somewhat short notice by today's standard — those first few years were a wild time, with UFA still trying to figure out the whole audition-to-graduation cycle — it was still more than two weeks.
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Re: Mitsui Aika to graduate from Morning Musume。on 5/18

Postby Sohee » Fri May 04, 2012 7:36 pm

Aika.... T____T

This is so not fair. I understand her reason for graduating and everything, and had I been told that "it might happen again"... really? Who wouldn't graduate. But this is not fair, not the sendoff she deserves. .___.; I'm sure she feels bad about it too, having to graduate on Gaki's day and all. .__.;
Happy she stays in H!P though. <3 Will be interesting to see what they will have her do.
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