I have the money to join in this year~ (since there is a very high chance I'll need to do some overseas shipping lol I wasn't sure if I could do it last year).
-Stuffed Animals (especially of the fox variety)
-Cat Toys (Kittens have so much energy I swear @_@)
-Books (Young Adult usually)
-Shippable food~ If America, Mac N' Cheese, Flaming Hot Cheetohs, Chef Boyardee Ravioli, lol, if another country, interesting food you think someone else should try or you personally love. Of course if Japan, I'd rather you choose something else
-Stickers! I give them to my students from time to time.
-Interesting Pens/Pencils.
Nothing really big to worry about here... I'm always happy to get anything in the mail
Though nothing jewelry like... I don't tend to like jewelry and rarely find something I'll wear.
H!P Edit: Kamei Eri, Sato Masaki, Sayashi Riho, Tamura Meimi, Takahashi Ai and any MM group things would be great. Recent C-ute or S/mileage as well.
I should also add that I will be going to a MM14 concert before it's time to send off stuff so I might be able to slip in a concert good of a favourite member if I know it.
Last edited by
forgetmenots on Mon Nov 03, 2014 12:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.