by Idol Tenshoku Ondo » Wed Jul 24, 2024 9:21 am
^She was in the group for 9 years, she better damn well get a real single to go out on. I can only assume either she didn't want to stay through the promo period or they couldn't extend her contract out or whatever. I think it's probably something on the technical end. Still, she was in the pics and everything, nothing ever said only Seishun Exabyte so...yeah.
:slapping table: new era? New era! New Tsubaki era time, new H!P era time. I'm tired after a long, hot week at work and new era MV was sitting in my sub box so I'm feeling the feelings.
I like the instrumental a lot, they're definitely leaning into a more adult and k-pop like image (despite there being some new kids around), and Marine pronouncing the "r" in spider made me laugh.
I dunno, this song is different. I don't hate it but it's not an instant classic for me.
Koudou OK's preview is really baller. I can already tell I'm gonna jam out like crazy to it. I'm wanting to hit the tenouttaten button but I need to hold off since the full version ain't even out yet.
Baby Spider -> need to listen to it a few more times but I see the bricks laid towards it in 3rd Moment. Continuing the expansion into darker Tsubaki.
Seishun Exabyte -> Cute, light fun and modern.
Koudou OK -> Poppin fun pick-me-up. Only way I can see it being torpedoed is if there's a random switch up or belabored talking part. However, TF has generally managed to be kept away from that trend-chasing song-ruining annoyingness so I don't expect it.
Kinda funny how Hatsukoi Sunrise got so much attention for it's spoken lines, but those lines were so short and didn't stop the song enough to make it tedious and now they don't do any of that stuff.