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Re: *** Hello! Project Survivor 2020 *** FIRST POLLS WILL BE FRI 06/19 ***

Sat Jul 04, 2020 3:32 pm

boinsie wrote:Plus did I not mention that if your vote is unclear, it just means I get to interpret who you meant on my own?? :twisted: :hehe:

That's why I always make my votes plain and in English. No hanging chads. :)

Re: *** Hello! Project Survivor 2020 *** FIRST POLLS WILL BE FRI 06/19 ***

Sat Jul 04, 2020 3:59 pm

boinsie wrote:Plus did I not mention that if your vote is unclear, it just means I get to interpret who you meant on my own?? :twisted: :hehe:

SB would be proud! :mikihead:

待って! Does this mean that Ishibashi and Shi Huangdi might make it to the next round? :unsure:

Re: *** Hello! Project Survivor 2020 *** FIRST POLLS WILL BE FRI 06/19 ***

Mon Jul 06, 2020 3:34 am

What did Rikako ever do to anyone?? :worried:
New polls are up in the sub-forum!

Re: *** Hello! Project Survivor 2020 *** FIRST POLLS WILL BE FRI 06/19 ***

Mon Jul 06, 2020 4:21 am

^ To quote Kyle from South Park: "You bastards!"

Re: *** Hello! Project Survivor 2020 *** FIRST POLLS WILL BE FRI 06/19 ***

Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:07 am

But then again, isn't H!PS really just an updated (sort of) version of the cleansing of the Martian hives? (As explained below by Quatermass.) XD

Re: *** Hello! Project Survivor 2020 *** FIRST POLLS WILL BE FRI 06/19 ***

Mon Jul 06, 2020 8:12 am

TotallyUncool, your mission should you choose to accept it is to take out the presiding Queen RURU and end her 2020 perfect game reign.

Re: *** Hello! Project Survivor 2020 *** FIRST POLLS WILL BE FRI 06/19 ***

Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:31 am

Ah, but that raises so many questions!

If Ruru is the queen, has she already laid a clutch of eggs? If she has, then it will do no good to just take her out, because her progeny will hatch and take over everything!

Did she lay them on the underside of a leaf, like a more or less nice, hive-living-locust sort of queen, or did she place them in the body of some innocent victim on the questionable assumption that there's amyone in the entertainment industry anywhere who even remotely fits the definition of "innocent" with her terrifying ovipositor (pardon the somewhat indelicate anatomical reference, but we are discussing science, after all) like some giant parasitic wasp?

For that matter, did she have some help getting the eggs fertilized? That would appear to be a serious violation of the "no drones" rule, so maybe she reproduces by parthenogenisis. In that case, we could soon be overrun by hundreds of thousands or even millions of actial Ruru clones! They won't just take over - they'll convert the entire world into one giant mass of buzzing Ruru-locusts!

Re: *** Hello! Project Survivor 2020 *** FIRST POLLS WILL BE FRI 06/19 ***

Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:54 am

Only Fukumura-chan ex-leader of "The Eggs" can answer those questions and she's gone. We have to go with what we know? :lol:

Re: *** Hello! Project Survivor 2020 *** FIRST POLLS WILL BE FRI 06/19 ***

Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:06 am

Mission: Accomplished
:yahoo: No perfect games allowed in H!PS.

Re: *** Hello! Project Survivor 2020 *** FIRST POLLS WILL BE FRI 06/19 ***

Mon Jul 06, 2020 2:57 pm

After Round 7:

Yamazaki Yuhane/Matsunaga Riai - The winners!


Sasaki Rikako/Kamikokuryo Moe
Maeda Kokoro/Akiyama Mao

Ishida Ayumi/Hirai Miyo
Okamura Minami/Nishida Shiori

Yokoyama Reina/Morito Chisaki

Haga Akane/Ogata Risa
Kiyano Momohime/Shimakura Rika
Okamura Homare/Yamazaki Mei

Takeuchi Akari/Miyamoto Karin

Satoyoshi Utano/Ise Layla
Asakura Kiki/Onoda Saori
Kaga Kaede/Oda Sakura

Fukumura Mizuki/Ikuta Erina (PonPon)
Sato Masaki/Nonaka Miki (MaaChel)
Kanazawa Tomoko/Tagaki Sayuki
Danbara Ruru/Takase Kurumi
Kawamura Ayano/Hashisako Rin
Tanimoto Ami/Kishimoto Yumeno
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