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Re: Morning Musume。'14 Live Concert in New York, 10/5

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 1:00 pm
by Denki
If you have the cash, its never bad to book them first. In fact, its good since everything is cheaper when you plan ahead. 8D

I currently don't have the funds, which is why the ticket is my first priority.

Man, I feel so commited to going to see them now. XD It feels weird that I want to go to New York just for a concert. I should at least spend some time there to go sightseeing. I love getting to know new places. <3

Re: Morning Musume。'14 Live Concert in New York, 10/5

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 1:07 pm
by CaptainBerryzGiraffe
Right now, my first priority will be to get the cash to pay for it as fast as i can. I also want to have at least 40 extra JUST incase something happens, yanno? and that's just 40 minimum. XD you never know what you will need to bring along. (of course, if you are out of NY, you will probably bring more than 40. lol.)

...Also, you can technically have someone buy the ticket for you and then somehow get it to you, once you can pay.
...I wouldn't do that. XD

Re: Morning Musume。'14 Live Concert in New York, 10/5

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 1:24 pm
by AyuHikaru
I'm waiting to get a ticket to the concert because there are easily 2100 fans going and they could sell out. I'll get the plane and hotel the day I get the ticket

Re: Morning Musume。'14 Live Concert in New York, 10/5

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 1:24 pm
by erilaz
esm wrote:I'll wait until I can buy the concert ticket to book a flight and stuff. I'm gonna try to get the VIP ticket!

That's going to be my strategy, as well.

If this show doesn't sell out the day tickets go on sale, I will be genuinely surprised.

Re: Morning Musume。'14 Live Concert in New York, 10/5

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 1:25 pm
by forgetmenots
Yeah, I'd also guess that the concert will sell out relatively fast. Once in a lifetime type of concerts like this tend to, especially since the whole Sayu's last tour figuring in. (More people are willing to shell out more money in these situations XD)

My advice though if it seems like you might not have the money and might not make it is to just breath XD Also it's not so bad to ask for things as early Christmas/Birthday/Other Holiday presents, or even just as a temporary loan that you can payback.

Re: Morning Musume。'14 Live Concert in New York, 10/5

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 1:43 pm
by sada*
I really want to go to this. I hope that mid-terms next school year don't fall around the same date. *crosses fingers*

I'd really like to meet everyone too! I hear Hello! Party 4 is coming as well. Sounds like lots of fun!!

Re: Morning Musume。'14 Live Concert in New York, 10/5

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 2:10 pm
by PikoAshy
I have a CC that has enough for the actual concert ticket. I just hope they announce when they go on sale soon

Re: Morning Musume。'14 Live Concert in New York, 10/5

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 10:24 pm
by Jessi
You guys are scaring me! When do you think they will go on sale??! I would be devastated if they were sold out.

Also is anyone planning to meet up? I would love some company.

Denki wrote:If you have the cash, its never bad to book them first. In fact, its good since everything is cheaper when you plan ahead. 8D

I currently don't have the funds, which is why the ticket is my first priority.

Man, I feel so commited to going to see them now. XD It feels weird that I want to go to New York just for a concert. I should at least spend some time there to go sightseeing. I love getting to know new places. <3

The concert is near Times Square so that's probably enough sight seeing. :grinning: lol

Re: Morning Musume。'14 Live Concert in New York, 10/5

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 11:16 pm
by CaptainBerryzGiraffe
I hope it doesn't go on sale until the summer.
Because I can't afford to buy a ticket right now... ._.

I wish they could find somewhere with more than 2,400 seats >.<

Re: Morning Musume。'14 Live Concert in New York, 10/5

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 11:31 pm
by Mixi
I'm not booking anything until I have tickets either; I'm not willing to take any chance because of the logistics. It's not like I live in the US.

I really hope I can get regular tickets, at least.