H!P Hokkaido thread

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Re: Hello! Project Hokkaido : 7 members selected to be H!P Kenshuusei in Hokkaido

Postby CaptainBerryzGiraffe » Mon Aug 01, 2016 10:44 am

Jessi wrote:
Amped wrote:
Kitagawa Ryou

Birthday June 29, 2004
Blood type Type B
Birthplace Hokkaido
Special skill Rice paddy field trimming
Hobby Searching for stray cats
Favorite music genre Anisong
Favorite sport Soccer
Motto Manpuku jinsei
http://www.helloproject.com/helloproken ... _kitagawa/

I think I found my favorite of the group :love:

There, I fixed that for you
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Re: Hello! Project Hokkaido : 7 members selected to be H!P Kenshuusei in Hokkaido

Postby Nayoko-Kihara » Mon Aug 01, 2016 4:24 pm

Amped wrote:Kudou Yume

Special skill Frog Pyon (jump), pukkuri-chan
http://www.helloproject.com/helloproken ... ume_kudou/
Does anyone have an idea on what this means, or can they expand on it? Is it a character or something she's good at imitating? This is the only thing I can't figure out from the profiles. :lol:
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Re: Hello! Project Hokkaido : 7 members selected to be H!P Kenshuusei in Hokkaido

Postby Amped » Tue Aug 02, 2016 2:21 am

a writer from Billboard Japan describes the new Kenshuusei based on their MC introductions at the H!P concert

Oota Haruka:札幌市出身・12歳。生まれながらのアイドルであるとしか言えない美少女。正統派ゆえ、ひょっとしたら最初にスタートダッシュを切るのは、彼女かもしれない。

Satou Hikari:札幌市出身・12歳。7人の中で、親近感を覚えるという点ではトップクラスの逸材。アイドルが身近になった昨今においては、この個性は大きな魅力であるのは間違いない。

Ishiguri Kanami:札幌市出身・12歳。ルックスはともすれば、メンバーの中で一番幼い印象。しかしそれに相反する、未来を見つめる強い目力。大物の予感満点だ。

Kawano Minori:札幌市出身・12歳。キュートな笑顔で「趣味はギター弾き語り」と発表し、ファンのどよめきを誘った河野。つかみはOK、目指すはギャップ萌え! かも?

Kitagawa Ryou:蘭越町出身・12歳。驚くほど大人びたクールビューティー。メンバー中唯一の札幌市以外の出身、それが小さな蘭越町であることは、北海道のファンにはアピールになる!?

Kudou Yume:札幌市出身・12歳。アイドルに必要不可欠な、飛び切りの元気が全身に詰まったような明るい個性。その輝く笑顔はもはや才能であり、出会う人を確実にトリコにする。

Yamazaki Mei:札幌市出身・11歳。最年少の愛らしさと同時に、音楽的な素地を感じさせてくれる。歴代ハロプロアイドルがアドバンテージとしてきた音楽性を、大いに磨いてほしい。

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Re: Hello! Project Hokkaido : 7 members selected to be H!P Kenshuusei in Hokkaido

Postby Jessi » Tue Aug 02, 2016 9:03 pm

CaptainBerryzGiraffe wrote:
Jessi wrote:
Amped wrote:
Kitagawa Ryou

Birthday June 29, 2004
Blood type Type B
Birthplace Hokkaido
Special skill Rice paddy field trimming
Hobby Searching for stray cats
Favorite music genre Anisong

Favorite sport Soccer
Motto Manpuku jinsei
http://www.helloproject.com/helloproken ... _kitagawa/

I think I found my favorite of the group :love:

There, I fixed that for you

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Re: Hello! Project Hokkaido : 7 members selected to be H!P Kenshuusei in Hokkaido

Postby Amped » Wed Aug 03, 2016 2:03 am

short local news clip about the Kenshuusei from Hokkaido
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Re: Hello! Project Hokkaido : 7 members selected to be H!P Kenshuusei in Hokkaido

Postby Amped » Wed Aug 03, 2016 10:13 pm

from Hello! Station

Yajima Maimi introduces the new Kenshuusei from Hokkaido

H!P Kenshuusei - Oheso no kuni kara konnichiwa performance (H!P Summer concert)


Kitagawa Ryou is very cool, confident in front of the camera and Maimi. Shes tall for her age. Her dad introduced her to the audition and also impressed with Morning Musume's sparkling aura
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Re: Hello! Project Hokkaido : 7 members selected to be H!P Kenshuusei in Hokkaido

Postby forgetmenots » Wed Aug 03, 2016 11:25 pm

I'd be happy with Ryou in Morning Musume just for her personality. She seems more grounded and less silly. Also her voice is not terrible, she could evolve into a really good singer with work and experience. Also, I oddly feel like she'd pair well with Maria on stage.
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Re: Hello! Project Hokkaido : 7 members selected to be H!P Kenshuusei in Hokkaido

Postby Shoujo Q » Thu Aug 04, 2016 4:41 am

Ryou has an infectious smile that just melted me. When an idol does that who has a serious face and a big smile I call it a smile canon. It's not something you expect.

The smile at the end of her intro was totally sweet. I'm all for her joining Morning Musume on personality/aura alone but the only thing holding her back is where she lives.
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Re: Hello! Project Hokkaido : 7 members selected to be H!P Kenshuusei in Hokkaido

Postby Celedam » Thu Aug 04, 2016 4:44 am

No love for Yume? To me, she stood out to more than Ryou.
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Re: Hello! Project Hokkaido : 7 members selected to be H!P Kenshuusei in Hokkaido

Postby Kravius Pila » Thu Aug 04, 2016 6:34 am

I really like Ryou and Yume.

Ryou seems have a cold and arrogant aura, like a "Ice Princess", but when she smiles and laughs, it looks like she becomes another girl. XD

Yume has the typical cute idole face. She was the first girl that I noticed.
Last edited by Kravius Pila on Thu Aug 04, 2016 10:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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