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Re: Niinuma Kisora to graduate Tsubaki Factory and Hello! Project in Spring 2024.

PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2024 8:38 am
by DJChisato1
Spaghetti-Western wrote:Yup this is doing it right :D

C'mon Everybody - appropriate title :flowers:

DJChisato1 wrote:P.S. More hot RisaxKiki action.

Was Kiki the biggest target of Risa's Diary Entry of Doom? :innocent:

I'd have to go back through the tread on Hello-online but I think she was the only one specifically named. or at least there was no doubt whom Risa was referring to with the accusation faking an injury.

Re: Niinuma Kisora to graduate Tsubaki Factory and Hello! Project in Spring 2024.

PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2024 8:58 am
by Solarblade
"On September 30 new leaks were posted in which Risa badmouthed other members of the group, lamenting over Ono Mizuho's recent push, Onoda Saori allegedly having a new boyfriend and, maybe the worst of them, accusing Asakura Kiki of faking her hernia, which lead to her hiatus of nearly half a year in 2019, only to have a management member fired.
Tsubaki Factory had a release event on niconico scheduled that day, and Risa cried at the end of the performance. Some people linked her being emotional to the leaks."

This is what I found looking back on post on mm-bbs.

Re: Niinuma Kisora to graduate Tsubaki Factory and Hello! Project in Spring 2024.

PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2024 9:05 am
by DJChisato1
^Oh yeah, I forgot about all of that. The accusation of Kiki has to be the worst though.

Now I'm questioning the reason for the tears Saori and Mizuho had at the beginning of Hatsukoi Sunrise Performance at the 25th anniv concert. A beautiful moment has become dark.

Re: Niinuma Kisora to graduate Tsubaki Factory and Hello! Project in Spring 2024.

PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2024 1:30 pm
by Amped
Niinuma Kisora's graduation will be broadcasted live on TV Asahi Channel 1

There will also be live viewings in cinemas

Re: Niinuma Kisora to graduate Tsubaki Factory and Hello! Project in Spring 2024.

PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2024 10:16 pm
by Idol Tenshoku Ondo
What's the point of bringing that up again, really? Risa was being extremely dumb while in her early 20s,she apologized and left the group. Ufp has even had to tell people to stop asking about it at handshakes before.

TF has since guested at her residency show and it more or less seems like they buried the hatchet, if they haven't, well it's not really our business what happens behind the scenes in their personal relationships. Continuing to hold it against Risa and speculate how much they might still hate each other is pointless.

Not all groups are friends behind the scenes and that's more common than you think not just with idols but in creative works in general. Risa just made the mistake of posting her garbage online and sharing it to too many people. I'm very aware what she said was defamatory but they have officially made up and It's past time for us to let it go.

Re: Niinuma Kisora to graduate Tsubaki Factory and Hello! Project in Spring 2024.

PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2024 12:38 am
by sukibeam
To play devil's advocate - no duh UFP would want people to stop asking about it, because her accusations don't paint certain members of the group in a good light. The company would never want a flashlight turned on the cockroaches in the corner, so to say.

Of course not all of these girls will be friends - just look at the legendary feud between Ishikawa Rika and Fujimoto Miki. And, of course, seeing two girls with so much supposed beef together on the same stage at the same time will pique interest. Do people grow up and move on? Yes. Do fans salivate at drama? Also yes.

Re: Niinuma Kisora to graduate Tsubaki Factory and Hello! Project in Spring 2024.

PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2024 8:20 am
by DJChisato1
I don't hold anything against Risa. I find Risa v Kiki as entertaining as Ayumi v Sakura. I think it can be milked for more.

Lovey Dovey Date in Kyoto Pt2 Risa/Kiki would break the internet.

Re: Niinuma Kisora to graduate Tsubaki Factory and Hello! Project in Spring 2024.

PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2024 4:00 am
by Idol Tenshoku Ondo
Sorry I think I misread the mood, derp. I know somebody who does still very much hold it against Risa and it's like, ugh, really? Oh well.

Yesterday I rewatched Seishun Manmannaka's live version MV and got full feels. If they do it at the concert I might just die. I can't help but reminisce over how long and uncertain TF indies days were, and now all but Ami are graduated/ing. It's probably good that UFP switched to the KSS Unit format when prepping groups, I wonder if it makes the Unit members feel more secure or not.

Re: Niinuma Kisora to graduate Tsubaki Factory and Hello! Project in Spring 2024.

PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2024 8:56 am
by sukibeam
I like their current model with KSS groups too - letting girls get experience with the industry and working together in ways they normally wouldn't as regular trainees. I suppose it also lets you see who is willing to stick it out vs who wants a quick debut. I sort of wish they'd do a challenge throwback like S/mileage with having to collect 10k pictures of people smiling, or MM selling 50k copies of Ai no Tane.

Re: Niinuma Kisora to graduate Tsubaki Factory and Hello! Project in Spring 2024.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 7:21 am
by Amped
Tsubaki Factory original members together for rehearsals

From Yamagishi Riko's IG stories

Niinuma Kisora's IG stories

All 16 camellia flowers for the first time :crying:
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