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Re: [10/5] Morning Musume。'14 - Live Concert in New York!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 9:37 pm
by otaku_blue
lmao the forum infamous a while back for trashing Hello Project (with a few fans here and there) got full coverage of Morning Musume's concert and got to take some really quality pictures

the article is positive though. ... -coverage/

where's Hello Online at? still keeping their distance because of their illegal tracker lmao since they were refused at least jphip got something...

Re: [10/5] Morning Musume。'14 - Live Concert in New York!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 9:55 pm
by Amped
Satoda Mai and her husband had lunch with Morning Musume. '14, on the day before the iive.

Re: [10/5] Morning Musume。'14 - Live Concert in New York!

PostPosted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:01 am
by Davli77
Dang Amped you beat me to it - a little supplemental translation below

She basically said the live was very good ("had goosebumps when I heard the big screams by local fans")

She said Sayu is a kakoi(cool) leader

She captioned the picture as "Morning Musume'14 plus Country Musume"

Re: [10/5] Morning Musume。'14 - Live Concert in New York!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 4:39 pm
by Amped
staff says that Fuji TV Mezamashi came to New York to interview Morning Musume. '14. it will air on the 14th hopefully if the typhoon news doesn't take over. ... 8321107968 ... 1661323264

Re: [10/5] Morning Musume。'14 - Live Concert in New York!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:30 pm
by CaptainBerryzGiraffe
Can you believe it's been over a week? O.o

Re: [10/5] Morning Musume。'14 - Live Concert in New York!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:02 pm
by Celedam

AyuHikaru wrote:In true Riho fashion though, she corrected our Japanese as we were trying to encourage to remember her English. Oh, Riho.


Riho Sayashi wrote:All the fans
Who had been waiting at New York

Pumped up the concert with everything they had
It was an amazing time!!

However, even though I had done tons of practice
For my carefully thought-out introduction in English,
My head just went blank in the middle of it
And I couldn’t say it until the end
I was really mortified…

When I was panicking, with my mind still blank
The fans at the front responded
And told me
"You can do it!" in English

Although those words were English words that I understood

I was in a panic
And replied "You can do it!" to those people. lol

I think the truth is that when she's not actually performing — that is, playing to her strengths — she's not nearly as cool and collected as her image implies. She's easily flustered and a bit insecure, which is quite common among people who've worked hard their entire lives for something and can't believe they've finally achieved it. See also…

Re: [10/5] Morning Musume。'14 - Live Concert in New York!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:31 pm
by Sohee
Oh she's definitely not all that cool. Riho off-stage is totally awkward. It's very noticeable at her latest birthday event DVD where she, sure enough wasn't alone, but was alone as the "center" on stage. It was adorable, and makes her much more human and, to me, likable that she's that way.

Re: [10/5] Morning Musume。'14 - Live Concert in New York!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:28 pm
by forgetmenots
Listening to her radio show and seeing how she interacts at fan events also shows that. She seems to be a bit anxious and awkward about social things as well from her Sayu date incident and I think she mentioned that she took a long time to make friends at school. Seeing that side of her is why she shot up in my ranks so much I teeter between Maachan and her nowadays. I see a lot of myself in her which makes me want to support her.

Re: [10/5] Morning Musume。'14 - Live Concert in New York!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:25 am
by AyuHikaru
IS THAT WHAT THAT WAS? I thought it was so weird we were all going "Ganbatte!" and she suddenly went "Ganbaru!" I figured she was correcting everyone.

(Though I have to admit I enjoyed the perceived sassy-ness)

Ever since New York my liking of Riho has increased like 10 fold. Shaking her hand was fun and we actually talked and she seemed really happy to be there (The times when she was on my corner of the stage, she was super focused at first - not looking at anyone, then she started scanning the audience as the concert wore on and kept smirking throughout the whole thing.. which I now assume was her nerves.)

No little ace, don't you dare start winning me over.

Re: [10/5] Morning Musume。'14 - Live Concert in New York!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:53 am
by esm
BerryzGiraffe3705 wrote:Can you believe it's been over a week? O.o

So much nostalgia when I look back at this thread. :lol:

TIKI BUN will remind me of NYC forever. :heart: