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Re: Morning Musume。'14 Live Concert in New York, 10/5

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:31 pm
by CaptainBerryzGiraffe
so penn station is on 34th street?
assuming i get there at like 2 for the 4 concert, 10 blocks will take me like 30 minutes to walk.... so I'd get there quite early.
That's a good thing, right? XD
...first, I gotta get a ticket. ._.
I mean, even closing in on the date there will obviously be someone selling their tickets for a mark up, but whatever. XD I just wanna get a ticket. :P
I'll worry about logistics later. I'm so close to NYC, I don't need to really plan AS much. :P

...Are they selling merchandise there too? like tour goods or stuff?

Re: Morning Musume。'14 Live Concert in New York, 10/5

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:33 pm
by Chibs
you know it might just be easier to go with a group, since a lot of us are going also.

Re: Morning Musume。'14 Live Concert in New York, 10/5

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:36 pm
by Jessi
You can get there faster than 30 minutes. lol Manhattan blocks are big, but not that big!

Oh and I'm totally willing to group up.

I've mentioned it but so far no ones taken the bait... lol j/k

Re: Morning Musume。'14 Live Concert in New York, 10/5

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:56 pm
by esm
Yeah I wouldn't mind going with a group. I'd being going there alone anyway because I don't know any H!P fans irl lol.

Gosh, I hope they don't schedule an exam or something that Monday, although my class would be a bit later on in the day and I plan to fly back early Monday. If I need an excuse I'd say I'm visiting NYU or something.

Re: Morning Musume。'14 Live Concert in New York, 10/5

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 2:26 pm
by TotallyUncool
I think that people should go in a group -- it will be a lot more fun if you do!

Re: Morning Musume。'14 Live Concert in New York, 10/5

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 2:37 pm
by Bkfanatic
Is anyone from Florida going? Probably not.. It's so lonely being A hello project fan here. I don't want to go with my dad I went with him to see berryz since he lives in NJ I was thankful and all but he complains to much. I'll toughen up and try going alone doe I can't miss this ><

Re: Morning Musume。'14 Live Concert in New York, 10/5

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 2:50 pm
by Beatrix
I live in Altamonte Springs.

I'm glad we got the information so early. Gives us time to save up, it's not going to Japan buts it's still going to be a tight few months because I want be happy unless I'm leaving with all the concert goods

Re: Morning Musume。'14 Live Concert in New York, 10/5

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 3:03 pm
by erilaz
BerryzGiraffe3705 wrote:...Are they selling merchandise there too? like tour goods or stuff?

I would think so. I hope so. They had "MORNING MUSUME。IN USA" t-shirts for sale when they were at Anime Expo, so I expect that there will be tour t-shirts. Based on what has been available at H!P/Up-Front events in the U.S. in the past, there will probably be CDs, photos, and maybe towels, too.

Re: Morning Musume。'14 Live Concert in New York, 10/5

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 4:07 pm
by Sohee
Well... there's always Hello! Party 4 in case you wanna meet fellow fans and/or go in a group and... all that stuff. :b
Of course there's nothing decided yet since the news were just announced but it is happening.

Hello! Party is brought to you (mostly, but not only) by Jen (Iceymoon) and her husband Bryan (masterminds behind and is an event (party!) by fans for fans that's held whenever a (bigger) H!P act comes to the US to hold a live of some sort.

Now, when the US is finally getting a big H!P act again, they are going and they have already started planning H!P4. It's been a pretty good success the other three times it happened, and fans have enjoyed every minute of games/talks that has been going on. Many of the games are inspired by things the girls (MM, in this case) have actually done in DVDs at some point too, so it's even more fun if you're actually a fan to get to do what your idols did at one point. Even if not of the same scale. :b

There's no page up for this one just yet, but here's if you wanna check out their past ones:

I'll be helping as much as I can in the planning stages but unfortunately I won't be able to attend. ): Will force try to make them stream it though so I'll be able to watch. 8D

Re: Morning Musume。'14 Live Concert in New York, 10/5

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 5:15 pm
by Nono
woooow it's happening :o 90% chance i'm gonna go, the trek from toronto to NY is defintely doable. really hope nothing important for school is happening around that time.