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Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:49 am
by Yattaruchan
Ahh Yossie, what the hell was she thinking. And she was involved in another traffic incident last year!

Had no idea drunk driving laws were so strict there in Japan. I kinda wish it was nearly that strict here, NEARLY.

I wonder if her profile pic is gone yet from whatever UF site she was on.

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 2:52 am
by Moh
DUI and leaving the scene? :tmi:

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:14 am
by JonCC
Looks like her Instagram profile is gone.

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:11 am
by vikitty
She was my oshi, now I just feel sick and disgusted.

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:08 am
by Shoujo Q
It’s never fun when your oshi ends up in any type of scandal. You have my sympathy. It sucks.

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:33 am
by resop2
I hope this is a wake up call to H!P girls that they don't automatically have to start drinking alcohol when they turn 20.

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:01 am
by vikitty
Shoujo Q wrote:It’s never fun when your oshi ends up in any type of scandal. You have my sympathy. It sucks.

I think what upsets me the most is that this situation could have had a far more worse, permanent outcome. The pedestrians could have died. SHE could have died. As it stands she’s probably done as a celebrity or idol, and as a fan I selfishly am upset that I won’t get to hear her sing again or watch her perform. And it’s tainted everything I’ve consumed for the last 13 years supporting her, because now I just… can’t.

It took UFA ten years to forgive Kago and let her come back to their stage. I don’t think something like this is going to forgiven at all.

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:54 am
by Starra
Also, as mentioned, her own brother died as a result of a drunk driver, so it's multiple levels of shitty. Not to mention it was 7AM and she had a media appearance that day.

Yattaruchan wrote:Had no idea drunk driving laws were so strict there in Japan. I kinda wish it was nearly that strict here, NEARLY.

I really wish they were in NZ. So many people here drink and drive and then get killed/get other people killed. Over 200 people have already been killed on NZ roads as of the end of June and while not all of those will be from drunk drivers, several will be. Speeding is also a major issue here, but y'know.

And I agree with the Japanese law that passengers are equally responsible since they didn't stop the person from driving drunk. And technically they broke the law too.

I don't mind if people drink so long as they don't endanger other people while doing it really.

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 9:33 am
by teth
Worst part is that these always affect current MM

Like how Yaguchi did back then with her scandal

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:39 pm
by Amped
JonCC wrote:The press will no doubt be asking about her to every current H!P member at any H!P press event for the foreseeable future.

I hate when they do that. its so annoying.