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Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

Fri Sep 07, 2018 2:44 pm

erilaz (4½ years ago) wrote:After Yaguchi, Kago, and even Winona Ryder, I've just gotten used to the fact that my favorite idols will have feet of clay and do stupid and deplorable things.

I sure know how to pick 'em!

One... more... time!

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:23 pm

erilaz wrote:
erilaz (4½ years ago) wrote:After Yaguchi, Kago, and even Winona Ryder, I've just gotten used to the fact that my favorite idols will have feet of clay and do stupid and deplorable things.

I sure know how to pick 'em!

One... more... time!

So... who else should we be worried about? :lol:

(What shitty luck, oh my god)

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:33 pm

According to police, a breath analysis conducted on Yoshizawa, 33, revealed 0.58 milligrams of alcohol per liter of exhaled air. The legal limit is 0.15 milligrams, meaning the former idol exceeded the figure by nearly four times.

For reference, a person registering 0.55 milligrams of alcohol per liter will show difficulties in controlling their hands and hand, police said.

https://www.tokyoreporter.com/crime/hit ... gal-limit/

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:57 pm

She's lucky - nobody died, and the injuries were minor. Even if her career is over and she does hard time, she gets a second chance. But she's got to recongize that she is lucky, and that the second chance she giets is the chance to live her life and not screw up any more. I hope that she does recognize that.

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:30 pm

First response from UF through her JP Room profile





Looks like they're taking stock of the situation, more news to follow at a later date.

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:55 pm

Well this is SUPREMELY disappointing. She's my all time favorite so this is a whole lot especially considering how her brother died. We know for sure she had been drinking or is that just speculation?

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:35 pm

Sounds like her being about 4x over the legal limit is legit. Such a stupid thing to do.

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:48 pm

wotakubrandon wrote:We know for sure she had been drinking or is that just speculation?

That's what she was arrested for (all the headlines have mention of drink driving in them that I've seen) so unfortunately it seems like that's indeed the case. I doubt she would hit someone accidentally and then leave the scene if she wasn't drunk, somehow.

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

Fri Sep 07, 2018 10:10 pm

GOD that's so disappointing. She's so lucky no one was seriously injured. And at 7am? Jesus.

Re: OG (Graduated Members) Thread

Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:47 am

Not to defend Yoshizawa's actions (don't think anyone can, really) and don't want to speculate much - things like how she ended up 4 times legal limit at 7am on weekday (Thursday) morning, a few hours before a public gig with McDonalds.

But if she did have some drinking issue, I think I can sort of understand. It could be from postpartum depression or anything but show business career or the lack of, but just wanted to talk about the whole ex-idol side briefly here.

I can see how it could be tough for being ex-idol, many years removed from her peak relevance in public domain and seemingly no road to get that ever back. All that was over by early to mid 20s. What she's got is some random low profile OG product sponsor gigs or a TV gig or two annually having to sing damn Love Machine yet again while wearing tacky costume from 10+ years ago (that MM OG TV stuff gets old real fast after the 10th time, if you ask me, ahem). Even Fan club events OGs had after graduating from H!P dries up after a while (not even an option for lesser popular girls to begin with). I remember Yoshizawa (while her Mr.Moonlight image was still relevant) having a small fan meet up event with a few fan girls at the UF cafeteria many years ago. All that is gone now.

Obviously she is not the only one in this boat and pretty much no OG before Yoshizawa got into any sort of real serious legal trouble. The point being I can understand how it could be bloody depressing and how some might not cope it as well as others. It doesn't help that Yoshizawa is somewhat known for being a strong drinker, even from her H!P days. Would've helped if she had Asian Flush as it makes drinking very unpleasant and thus pretty much prevents from ever having alcohol addiction.

JonCC wrote:The press will no doubt be asking about her to every current H!P member at any H!P press event for the foreseeable future.

Welp the usual press stuff whenever negative (sometimes positive) stuff happens, being asked to comment about your co-worker. It seems like there is a silence ban applied on UF OGs but not on current MM members as they post blogs as usual. You know it's serious when even someone like Takahashi or Suzuki/Okai stops posting any instagram/twitter for 1+ day.
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